The Visit of a God

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Turlandb, and the whole gang are at the castle. Turlandb has given someone an invitation to his universe, and he just received an answer.

Turlandb: Awesome! Come on over whenever you can!

???: See you soon!

Turlandb puts his phone away.

SMG4: Who was that, Turlandb?

Turlandb: Someone from another universe. He's coming over pretty soon.

Meggy: Ooooooh, I wonder who he is?

Mario: Is he a MXM shipper like us?

Turlandb: Yes, he is. And just like all of us, he is absolutely pissed off Meggy looks like a human anime girl, no offense.

Meggy: None taken.

SMG4: Oh, come on! ANOTHER one?!

Turlandb: Yup. And he's a god, so be careful SMG4.

SMG4: I hope he doesn't hurt me.

Turlandb: From what I heard, he and his girlfriend made a resistance squad against the SMG4 in his universe.

Saiko: Wait, what?

Turlandb: Yup. I also heard that he will keep this squad active until he turns Meggy back to normal, and makes the MXM ship canon. I don't blame him.

SMG4: I hope the me in his universe is okay.

Turlandb: Actually, he's the opposite of okay.

Bob: WhAt HaPpEnEd To ThE sMg4 In HiS uNiVeRsE?

Turlandb: You're better off not knowing.

SMG4: Ooooohhhhhhh, sh*t.

A portal opens.

Turlandb: Oh, here he comes.

A male comes out of the portal.

???: Well, I'm here!

Meggy: Whoa. Who are you?

SmeshBras123: I am SmeshBras123. Nice to meet you all.

Turlandb: Nice to see you accepted my invitation!

SmeshBras123: You're welcome, Turlandb. Always nice to see a new SMG4 universe.

SMG4: *Gulp*

SmeshBras123: *Looks at SMG4* Ah. And this guy.

SMG4: *PewDiePie voice* Please don't hurt me!

SmeshBras123: I won't hurt you, but I'm still pissed at you for doing what you did to Meggy.

SMG4: I'm sorry! I'll fix it!

SmeshBras123: You better. Anyway, you have a cool universe, Turlandb!

Turlandb: Thanks, Smesh!

SmeshBras123 looks at Meggy.

SmeshBras123: Wait. Turlandb, your Meggy didn't turn into a human?

Meggy: Well, actually, I did.

Turlandb: I used my Star Power and turned her back to normal.

SmeshBras123: I see.

Mario: And my girlfriend is okay!

Mario and Meggy kissed each other.

SmeshBras123: Oh, you guys are only dating right now?

Mario: Yup. For a little while.

SmeshBras123: Interesting. The Mario and Meggy in my universe are married.

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