Fourth Wall Break

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Laura: Grrr... How long has it been...?

Laura walks into her room.

Laura: Nick... Where are you, my love...?

Laura lays down on her bed.

Laura: I just want to be in his arms again... *Sigh* Wait...

Laura stands back up.

Laura: I know someone who knows where Nick is!

Laura starts to softly chant something. Thirty seconds later, her creator himself appears.

TheStarGod: Huh? What?

Laura: Heya, Creator!

TheStarGod: Oh, hello Laura!

Laura: Creator, I got one question for you.

TheStarGod: I'm all ears.

Laura: What's with the absence of my boyfriend, Nick? Where is he?

TheStarGod: Ohh... Uhh... *Nervous chuckle*

Laura: ...?

TheStarGod: Well... *Nervous chuckle* Guess I haven't been thinking about including him lately...

Laura: -_-

TheStarGod: Sorry, Laura... I promise, I'll start including him. Hang on...

TheStarGod types a few things on his phone, and a teenage male Inkling suddenly appears.

Nick: EYYY, I'm back!

Laura: *Gasp*

Laura runs to Nick and hugs him tight and kisses him. Nick chuckles and hugs back.

Laura: You were gone for so long...

Nick: Don't worry, anymore... I'm back...

TheStarGod smiles.

Laura: Thank you, Creator! Please include Nick more often!

TheStarGod: I will. That's a promise. For now, lata!

TheStarGod disappears. Laura and Nick hug each other tight again.

(Well, here you go, Laura. I promise, I will include Nick more often.)

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