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Turlandb wraps his arms around Jen.

Jen: Oh?

Turlandb: Heh heh...

The couple starts to glow light-blue and golden.

Jen: Wait... Oooooooooooooh...

Turlandb: :3

Turlandb then...

Literally ABSORBS his wife.

Turlandb: HAHA!

Jen: *In his head* ^^

Turlandb: W-whoa... When was the last time we did this?

Jen: *In his head* Quite a few years...

Turlandb summons Jen's ice sword and ice shield.

Turlandb: Now I can use your power for a while. :3

Jen: *Giggles in his head*

Turlandb: *Chuckles*

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