Home of the Wisps

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SmeshBras123. So sorry you had to wait this long for a new part in this arc.

Cristina walks through the city feeling upset about the events of the Mario Kart match. Jen finds Cristina.

Jen: Hey, Cristina. How are you feeling?

Cristina: Still a little upset about that Mario Kart battle.

Jen: Hmm... I think I know a place where you can feel better.

Cristina: Really?

Jen: Yeah. Me and my sweetie go there a lot. It's called Planet Wisp.

Cristina: Planet Wisp? Is that where the Turco's Color Powers came from?

Jen: Yup! He loves that place!

Turlandb appears in front of the girls.

Turlandb: And I can teleport you two there.

Jen: Whatta ya say, Cristina?

Cristina: Sure! I would love to visit that planet!

Jen: Awesome!

Turlandb: Just hold still for a few seconds...

Jen and Cristuna stand still.

Turlandb: Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...

Turlandb teleports the girls to Planet Wisp.

Turlandb: There you go!

(On Planet Wisp...)

Jen and Cristina appear on the planet.

Cristina: Whoa... This place is beautiful...

Wisps fly through the air playing.

Jen: I knew you would like this place.

A White Wisp named Yacker flies up to them.

Jen: Yacker!

Jen and Yacker high-five.

Cristina: Cool!

Jen gets out a translator.

Cristina: Huh?

Jen: Since Turlandb isn't here, we'll have to use this to translate what they're saying.

Cristina: Oh, okay.

Yacker speaks his alien language.

Jen: Okay... He said, "Welcome back to our planet, Jen! Who's this?"

Cristina: Will he understand me?

Jen: Yup. He will.

Cristina: Okay. I'm Cristina, a good friend of Jen.

Yacker speaks his alien language.

Jen: Okay... He said, "Nice to meet you, Cristina. I'm Yacker. Welcome to Planet Wisp".

Cristina: You Wisps have a beautiful planet.

Yacker speaks his alien language, and the girls already figure out he said thank you.

Cristina: You're welcome!

Jen: Well, wanna check out the place?

Cristina: Hell yeah!

Yacker leads the girls deeper into the planet. The girls see the different colored Wisps playing.

Cristina: These little guys are so cute!

A Cyan Wisp flies up to Cristina.

Cristina: Aww! You're so adorable!

Jen: I think that Wisp wants to do something.

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