Ten Facts You May Or May Not Know About TheStarGod

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Well, this book is approaching its end, and I'm kinda sad. But... All books must end somewhere. So I'll make this chapter based off some facts you may or may not know about me. With that said, here are ten facts you may or may not know about TheStarGod! :D

1. Now, of course you guys know that my OC's wife is an Inkling. A yellow Inkling, to be exact. Infinite had a theory on Discord that he thought I was a good Inkling player in Smash due to that reason. That is not true at all. Inkling is actually one of my worst characters in Smash. I've tried using Inkling so many times in Smash, but I'm just not good. Either I'm always constantly worried about how much ink I got left, or the ink runs out right at the time I need it. Inkling is not my character.

2. Perhaps I should tell the backstory of how I found SMG4. Well, it was back in 2014. I was just screwing around on YouTube trying to find some good videos, when Who Let The Chomp Out popped up. Being a huge Mario fan, I did not hesitate to click on that video. After watching that video while laughing my ass off, I was immediately a fan, and started binge watching some of SMG4's videos that were already made before that one.

3. So since my OC has an Inkling wife, you would think I'm a Splatoon fan. Wrong again. I'm actually not much of a Splatoon fan at all, not only because there's a lack of single player content from my knowledge, and my internet connection is very bad 90% of the time. So online Splatoon is definitely not for me. I have... Probably only 30 minutes of gameplay on Splatoon 2, and I've had it for several months now.

4. I'm a HUGE fan of Smash Bros., and I've played every Smash game to date. It is apparently said that Smash 3DS is the worst Smash game, but I'm gonna have to disagree. I very much enjoy Smash 3DS. It may not have nearly as many modes as its Wii U counterpart does, but that doesn't matter to me. There is one game mode exclusive to Smash 3DS, and that's Smash Run. My god, I LOVED that game mode. Running through a hallway and defeating enemies felt almost exactly like Multi-Man Smash. And of course... Master Core. That boss was really fun to fight, although it kinda saddens me a little that Master Fortress can only be found on the Wii U version, but nonetheless, I enjoy Smash 3DS, and I even pop that game back in once in a while to this day.

5. My very first video game system I owned was the Nintendo DS Lite. I was a really smol boi at that time. I don't remember which birthday, but my mother had gotten me that tiny system for a birthday of mine, and the game she got me with it was New Super Mario Bros. Believe it or not, my smol mind found that game to be really difficult to play. It took me a damn MONTH to complete that game, mostly because there was an underwater level in World 8 that featured a really large Eel, and that enemy actually terrified me. I can't tell you how many times my smol mind got scared from that single enemy. Same goes for the Cheep Chomp that was featured in World 3.

6. Now this may be a shock to you guys if you found my profile after August of 2019, since it's been supposedly somewhat dead for the last three or four years. I am a fan of the video game series called Skylanders. That series features some little figures that if you put them on a little thing called a Portal, it brings them to life in the game. I have all the Skylander games to date, apart from the DS and 3DS versions of them, since those versions are just smaller adventures and not major stories. I still enjoy that series to this day and I pop in one of those games from time to time.

7. I can handle crowds. They're okay for me. After all, a few years ago on a camping trip, we were in a campground next to a NASCAR stadium and watched the race. But here's the fact... I can be fine in crowds, but do NOT make me the center of the attention. I will get sweaty, no lie. I HATE being the center of attention, and I will try to find a way to get out of the spotlight, UNLESS the event is something I enjoy doing.

8. I hate heights. Hate 'em. Five years ago, my family went on a summer trip to Mt. Rushmore, and we actually drove up the mountain next to it to look at the view from above. I was shaking and sweating from the drive up alone, and the fact that there was no guard rail didn't make me feel better. My step-father made it even worse by saying, "Fuck up the drive, and you're dead." I almost yelled out in fear after he said that. Never liked heights, never will.

9. I've mentioned this before to friends on Wattpad PMs, Amino, and Discord, but I don't think I shared this to the full public. It was referenced once in InfiniteLeJackal 's MXR/IXC Gacha Moments chapter, Infinite VS. Turco. I have a HUGE fear of bees/wasps/hornets. I don't fuck around with those insects, no matter what it looks like. Even if it's a honeybee, I'm still gonna be afraid. On a camping trip last month, it was midnight, and I happen to look outside the bedroom I sleep in inside the camper, and I saw a wasp flying around the kitchen lights. I freaked the HELL out, slammed that door shut, locked it up, covered up the gap at the bottom of the door, and did not come back out until that demonic insect was dead, which was the next morning. I fear these insects because I was stung by a wasp when I was three years old. My dumbass thought it would be fun to play with that thing, and it stung me behind my ear (OUCH!). That event traumatized me, and I've had a fear of those insects ever since.

10. This is true for both me IRL, and my OC's wife. Just like her, I HATE Sprouts. If I attempt to eat one, I will gag, I will choke, I will spit it out, and I will probably throw up. I HATE those veggies. That's not saying I hate ALL veggies. I like carrots. Carrots are delicious, and they're my favorite. But Sprouts? Huge hell no. I don't give a damn about those. I'm not eating those anytime soon, or ever again. Broccoli, too. Fuck that veggie as well.

And there you go! Ten facts you may or may not know about TheStarGod! :D

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