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Laura: *Holding her arm* Ow...

Turlandb: So they stole the Doge Stone from you?

Laura: Yeah...

Jen: Dammit...

Infinite: *Growls*

Turlandb: Wait... Laura, what about the Purple Elemental Star?!

Laura: Don't worry... *Glows purple* I still have it.

Turlandb: Oh, thank god!

Jen/Infinite: Phew...

Laura: But... They also took my powers...

Jen: NANI?!

Turlandb: *JonTron voice* WHAT?!

Infinite: Huh?!

Laura: They held up a yellow capsule that had my energy in it...

Turlandb twitches.

Infinite: Turco?

Turlandb: They hurt you...? And... Took your powers...?

Laura nods.

Infinite: Uh, oh...

Turlandb: I'mmmmmmmmmm about to whip somebody's assssssssssssss!

Laura: MXR Mario and Greg... NOW U FOOKED UP!!!

Infinite: Here he goes!

Jen: Eh, what can I say? My sweetie is VERY protective of me and Laura.

Infinite: Damn right he is!

Turlandb grabs Laura's hand and flies off at a fast speed.

Infinite: There he goes!

Jen: Get 'em, honey!

Turlandb and Laura fly through the air for a while, and they find a UFO.

Turlandb: MXR Mario... Greg...

Laura: You fucked up, now.

Turlandb and Laura enter the UFO.


MXR Mario: *Retarded singing and dancing*

Greg smiles and holds up the capsule with Laura's energy in it.

MXR Mario: We gave that bitch what she deserved! >:)

Greg: :D

MXR Mario: Now all we have to do is hope that her father doesn't find out.

Greg: *Nods*

MXR Mario: Pissing off Turlandb is apparently a death wish, especially if you hurt his family, so we just gotta-

Something explodes in the distance.

Greg: ?

MXR Mario: Dafuq?

Turlandb screams in anger in the distance.

Greg: !

MXR Mario: ... OH, GOD! HE FOUND OUT!!!

Turlandb: *In the distance* MXR MARIO!!! GREG!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!

MXR Mario: SHET! We need to hide!

Greg nods, and uses the Doge Stone to turn MXR Mario into an alien.

MXR Mario: Yay! :D

Greg gets out that Wunderwaffe and holds the capsule close to his chest, as he exits the room and investigates.

Turlandb: GREG!!!

Greg: ?

Turlandb: THERE YOU ARE!!!

Greg: *Angry alien noise*

Turlandb charges at Greg, as the extraterrestrial starts firing the Wunderwaffe at the him. The Star God avoids all of the shots and summons his sword, and stabs Greg.

Greg: *Alien pain noise*

Turlandb: You... Stupid... Alien!

Turlandb kicks Greg to the ground, making him drop the Wunderwaffe and the capsule.

Greg: *Alien pain noise*

Laura comes up and knocks the alien out.

Laura: Bastard!

Turlandb destroys the Wunderwaffe and picks up the capsule.

Turlandb: Laura...

Laura: Hmm? Oh, awesome! You got it!

Turlandb: Here you go.

Turlandb throws the capsule at Laura, as it shatters into pieces. Laura absorbs her energy and gets her powers back.

Laura: Hell yeah!

Turlandb: Now let's find the fatass!

Turlandb and Laura leave Greg on the ground, as cyan blood pours out of his body. Other aliens find Greg and carry him into a different room for medical attention.

Back with MXR Mario...

MXR Mario hides.

MXR Mario: Oh, fuck... Oh, shit... Oh, balls! If they find me, I'm screwed!

Turlandb and Laura enter the room.

MXR Mario: *Homer Simpson scream*

Turlandb and Laura look around.

Laura: He's in here...

Turlandb: Indeed...

Laura sees something on a stand.

Laura: What's that?

Turlandb: Hmm?

Laura approaches the stand, and finds the Doge Stone.

Laura: It's the Doge Stone!

MXR Mario:

Laura grabs the Doge Stone. The effects wear off and MXR Mario turns back to normal.

MXR Mario: Uh, oh...

Turlandb/Laura: *Metal Gear Solid detected noise*


Turlandb: After what you did to my daughter? Hell no!

MXR Mario: Oh, fu-

Turlandb teleports behind MXR Mario and grabs him.

MXR Mario: OI!

Turlandb: Go ahead, Laura!

MXR Mario: Wait, wha-

Laura kicks MXR Mario in the pingas with the Purple Elemental Star. MXR Mario's head shrinks.

MXR Mario: ...

Laura: ...

Turlandb: ...

MXR Mario: *Earrape reversed Mario screaming*

Turlandb kicks MXR Mario to the ground.

Turlandb: You don't... f--k... With my family!

Turlandb and Laura teleport away with the Doge Stone.

MXR Mario: Fuck...

(MXR Mario... You and Greg should've thought twice before you attacked Laura.)

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