Good God Y'all! (Part 1)

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The town was infested with so many demons that Maia could barely comprehend it. Right now she was hiding out in a church with her mom, a hunter named Ellen, and a group of about ten people.

Everyone in River Pass, besides the people in the church, were demons.

"How are you holding up?" Melissa sat next to her sulking daughter.

"I lost Sophie," Maia spoke, staring off into space.


"You asked me to watch her and I failed. For all we know she could be possessed or dead."

"Maia you need to stop beating yourself up about this. It's not your fault. The same thing would've happened if I was the one watching her."

"But you weren't. I was."

Melissa opened her mouth to lecture Maia but got interrupted by Ellen.

"I'm going out there to look for Jo. You keep watch here." Jo was Ellen's daughter that she got separated from earlier. 

"Are you crazy? You can't go out there alone." Melissa stood up.

"I can't leave these people alone either."

"I'll go with you and Maia can watch everyone."

"Melissa she's only twelve."

"Trust me she's more than capable of protecting everyone here. Besides my youngest is out there too. I can't not look for her."

Ellen sighed, "You sure you can look after everybody?" She asked Maia.

"Yes, ma'am." The blonde stood up.

"Fine. We leave in five." Ellen informed Melissa.

* * *

Melissa and Ellen had been searching the town for about an hour and came up with nothing. When they circled back around to the church, Melissa spotted to tall men down the street.

"Hey." The blonde nudged Ellen's arm, "Up ahead."

The Harvelle looked to where Melissa pointed. Across from the church were Sam and Dean inspecting an abandoned car.

"Well, damn" Ellen muttered, marching up to the brothers.

Sam and Dean spun around as soon as they heard Ellen cock her pistol.

"Ellen?" Sam was surprised to see the brunette.

"Mel?" Dean couldn't believe that Melissa was here. She was supposed to be living a normal life not hunting.

The demigod gave the older Winchester a small smile while Ellen still aimed her gun and the brothers.

"Hello, boys." She was skeptical of the two.

"What the heck is going on here?" Dean asked the women.

Ellen dropped her gun stepping closer to Sam and Dean. Out of nowhere, the Harvelle pulled put her holy water flask and splashed the older Winchester.

"We're us," Dean told her, slightly annoyed.

Ellen walked between the boys towards the church, both of them looking to Melissa for answers.

The Leventi only shrugged before following Ellen.

Leading them all in the church the Harvelle turned around. She became a lot more welcoming when Sam and Dean walked past the salt line and devil's trap.

"Real glad to see you boys." The brunette hugged Dean, then punched him.

"The can of whup-ass I ought to open on you."

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