Swap Meat (Part 1)

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Dean parked the Impala in front of a white house in Housatonic, Massachusetts. The brothers had gotten a call from one of their old babysitters who needed help with a ghost.

"Dean and Sammy Winchester." The babysitter, Donna, greeted. "So, how long has it been?" She st down a plate of cookies and some napkins on the coffee table.

"The summer before sixth grade," Sam answered, remembering the last time he saw his favorite babysitter.

"Mm-hmm. I remember. You assigned yourself your own reading list." Donna poured herself some lemonade.

"That's right. I forgot about that." Dean chuckled.

"Nerd." Maia snorted.

"Your mom happens to be the best babysitter we ever had," Sam told Donna's daughter, ignoring Dean and Maia's comments.

"Well, when I was a maid at the Mayflower, out on the interstate-- long before you were even an idea-- their daddy used to pass through town, and leave the boys with me while... he went off to... work. One time he was gone for two weeks." Donna told her daughter.

"Two weeks?" She gawked.

"Mm-hmm. Oh, he'd always come limping back. He loved you, boys." Donna smiled at Sam and Dean.

"Did you know what he did all that time?" The girl asked.

"Little Sammy kept trying to tell me. Of course, I didn't believe him. Not at first anyway." Donna looked at Sam.

"Katie, our dad, um... happened to be an expert at getting rid of ghosts. And now, so are we." Sam explained.

"That's why I called them, sweetie. They can help us." Donna placed a hand on her daughter's knee.

"Sounds like you guys got yourself a poltergeist," Dean informed as Donna's husband came in with packed suitcases.

"It started a month or two after we moved in." He spoke.

"Yeah, first i-it was just, uh just bumps and knocks and scratches on the wall, and then it started breaking things," Donna recalled.

"And then it attacked Katie?" Sam questioned.

"That was two nights ago." The dad confirmed.

"Can you show them, honey?" Donna asked Katie. The teen moved her blanket, standing up and lifting her shirt to show the carving on her stomach,

"'Murdered chylde'." Same read.

Katie dropped her shirt and sat back down.

"Katie... Everything's gonna be fine. I promise. Why don't you guys take yourselves a little vacation, and, uh, we'll take care of it." Dean suggested.

"Thank you." Donna sighed.

Sam, Dean, and Maia stood and began walking out, but Maia stopped short going back and forth between if she should tell the family what she knew or not. Hesitantly, she stopped and turned around quickly.

"Put a pot of water on the stove and once it starts bubbling put calendula, verbena, and yarrow into the pot for ten minutes. After that, let it cool then drink it. It will taste awful but the uh... wounds will heal faster and you won't have any scars." Maia told Katie.

"Thank you." The teen gave a shy smile.

Maia only nodded, leaving the house and a stunned Sam and Dean watching her.

* * *

Dean stood at the counter of a diner waiting for the food he ordered.

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