The Real Ghostbusters (Part 2)

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"I got you a yellow-eyed cooler." Chuck set two tall glasses filled with yellow, alcoholic drinks in front of Becky.

"Thanks, Chuck." Becky smiled.

"Sure. So, Becky, uh... I was wondering, um, are you doing anyth--"

"Oh, hi, Sam!" Becky greeted the younger Winchester who walked up to the two, Dean and Maia right beside him.

"In case you haven't noticed, our plates are kind of full. Okay? Finding the colt, hunting the Devil. We don't have time for this crap!" Dean yelled at Chuck.

"Hey, I didn't call you."

"He means the books, Chuck. Why are you publishing more books?" Sam stepped in.

"Um, for food and shelter?" Chuck asked more than stated.

"Who gave you the rights to our life story?" Dean leaned forward.

"An archangel. And I didn't want it."

"Well, deal's off, okay? No more books. Our lives are not for public consumption." Sam demanded.

"Uh, Becky, would you excuse us for a second?"

Becky nodded and the brothers followed Chuck into a side room. Maia hesitated before joining them.

"Do you guys know what I do for a living?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah, Chuck, we know." Sam sighed.

"Then could you tell me? 'Cause I don't. All right, I'm not a good writer, I've got no marketable skills, I'm not some hero who can just hit the road and fight monsters, okay? Until the world ends, I got to live, all right? And the 'Supernatural' books are all I've got. What else do you want me to do?" Chuck finished his rant just as a woman screamed.

Sam and Dean ran after the sound, following their hunter instincts.

"No. Guys! Wait!" Chuck tried to warn them but it was no use. The prophet turned around and came face to face with Maia. The blonde stared him down, making him shake with fear. For such a small, young girl, she had a glare that could put the fear of God into anyone.

"So, you're girlfriend told me that you've written some books about me." Maia's eyes seemed to stare into Chuck's soul.

"Uh, y-yeah. I have." Chuck gulped.

"How far back do they go?" Maia slowly inched closer.

"N-not that f-far. The first b-book has a prologue about Dean and Melissa and your birth but t-then it picks up when you were seven. I-I-I'm sorry about your brothers." Chuck backed up, afraid of Maia.

The demigod looked at Chuck, tears forming in her eyes. "Chuck, I swear to Hecate if I ever even hear about those books being published, I will find you and skin you like a deer."

"Y-yes ma'am." Chuck stuttered and watched as Maia stormed off to the hotel entrance. Not only was he scared out of his mind but the prophet felt pity for the blonde. She had been through so much already, and she didn't deserve any of it.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Sam and Dean found the woman who had been 'attacked' only to find out that she was an actress for the fake hunt the convention put on.

"Ooh, the larping's started." Becky joined Sam and Dean who were off in the corner annoyed and pissed.

"The-- What is that again?" Dean asked.

"Live-action role-playing. It's a game. The convention puts it on." Becky handed the brothers a flyer.

"'Dad's journal-- Dear Sam and Dean, this hotel is haunted. you must hunt down the ghost. Interview witnesses, discover clues and find the bones. First team to do so wins a fifty dollar gift card to sizzler. Love, Dad." Sam read aloud.

"You guys are so gonna win." Becky giggled.

"Where's Maia?" Dean glanced around, realizing that the blonde was no longer with them.

"Oh, she was talking to Chuck after you two ran off. I'm not sure what happened but she when she left, she was crying." Becky informed.

Dean shared a look with Sam before running off to where they left Chuck. When they found him, Dean grabbed him by the shirt.

"What the hell did you say to her?" Dean growled.

"W-what? Who?" Chuck nearly peed himself.

"My daughter you son of a bitch!"

"All-- all I did was tell her about the books then she just ran off." Chuck half-lied.

Dean glanced at Sam who asked, "Where is she?"

* * *

Maia sat on the concrete steps in front of the hotel biting her nails and bouncing her leg. Having ADHD meant that the blonde couldn't sit still sometimes but when her anxiety was worked up, she couldn't stop moving.

A breeze blew Maia's hair in her face. By the time she pushed the stray hairs behind her ears, Hecate stood in front of her.

"You don't look well." The goddess stated bluntly.

"Thanks." Maia rolled her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Hecate seemed genuinely concerned for the young girl sitting before her.

Maia clenched her jaw. The skies darkened and thunder boomed in the distance. Sam and Dean stepped outside, undetected by Hecate and Maia.

"I swear, the next time someone asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches." Maia's voice was surprisingly steady.

"That's a bit dramatic." Hecate scoffed.

"Dramatic? You think I'm dramatic?" Maia stood up. Once again thunder sounded, closer this time. "My mom is dead, I'm living with two people I barely know, my powers are growing, and you keep popping up giving me vague hints about my destiny. Whatever the hell that is!"

"Maia--" Hecate began but was cut off.

"So if you call me finally snapping, being dramatic then yes I am extremely dramatic!" Rain started to fall faster and faster with every word Maia spoke.

Sam and Dean shared a look. This was the first time Maia had ever shown any sign of being anything but okay in the last couple months.

"Mind your tone with me, Maia Eirene," Hecate growled.

Maia scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the goddess. "Grandma Eleanor was right. You gods are nothing more than egotistical and spoiled beings obnoxiously drunk with power."

"Fine then. If you have too much on your plate maybe I can lessen your load. Maybe you'll get past your anger and learn to have some respect without your powers." Hecate snapped her fingers. In an instant, the rain stopped and the clouds departed just as quickly as they arrived.

Maia keeled over and groaned in pain. Without thinking Sam and Dean rushed to Maia's side.

"What did you do to her?" Dean glared at Hecate.

"I stripped her powers," Hecate replied in a bitter tone.

Sam looked up from his niece's pale face to the goddess. He stared at her with hate-filled eyes.

Hecate rolled her eyes. "Oh relax. She'll get them back in three days time. Unless she pisses me off more."

Hecate disappeared before the trio's eyes.

"Skyla," Maia cursed in Greek, trying and failing to stand.

"Whoa take it easy." Sam caught her.

"I'm fine." Maia grabbed the handrail to support herself.

"Maia you look like you're about to pass out," Dean argued.

"I've been worse." Maia shot her father a look before pulling herself up the stairs. Sam and Dean watched as the now powerless, weakened, and drenched demigod wobbled to the hotel doors.

Dean turned to his brother. "I need a drink."

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