Swap Meat (Part 3)

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As it turned out, Gary was smart because he kept his occult book in his school locker, where no one could find it. Sam walked down a flight of stairs leaving Dean another voicemail.

"Dean! Someone has stolen my body! The guy right next to you is not me!" Sam warned. "Check your friggin' voice mail damn it." Sam hung up, trying to navigate his way through the hall when someone called Gary's name.


"Are you okay?" A curly-haired boy and brunette girl asked.

"Yeah, I'm Gary. Uh... Gary's okay." Sam answered,

"So we're referring to ourselves in the third person now." The curl-haired boy said.

"We heard about last night. What happened?" The brunette asked.

"Got drunk. No big thing." Sam shrugged. "Look, uh, what's my locker number?"

"What? Are-are you still drunk?" The boy questioned.

"Yeah. Yeah. I see, like, three of you right now. Um, so-- so, what's my locker number?" Sam blinked rapidly pretending to be drunk. Luckily, Gary's friends gave him the information he was looking for.

After about half an hour, Sam found Gary's locker. He looked around for any bystanders then placed his ear to the lock, cracking the code.

It popped open quickly and Sam bagan searching through Gary's locker. Behind a bookbag was the book Sam had been looking for.

"Oh, no, Gary." Sam sighed. "This is a very very bad book."

* * *

Dean, Maia, and Gary crept down the basement stairs, armed with flashlights and sawed-off shotguns.

Gary was having too much fun and it showed. "Boo-yah! Master chief in the house, bizatches!"

"Are you all right?" Dean turned to Gary, still not noticing that he wasn't Sam.

"Yeah. Fine." Gary nodded. Dean just slowly turned around, looking for a place where a boy could be buried.

His flashlight beam found its way to some greenery on the floor. "Well, I'll be damned." Dean stepped closer.

"Willow Moss." Maia stared at the green plant at her feet.

"Yeah, right. It's, uh, supposed to grow over witches' graves right?"

"Yeah." Maia replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Can you do your thing?" Dean asked Maia, gesturing to the dirt.

"Nope. I can't use my powers to desecrate a witches grave." Maia answered.

"Of course not." Dean rolled his eyes.

The three got to work, digging up dirt and moss until they found Maggie's body.

"Hey, man, I'm really sorry about this." Gary aimed his gun at Dean's back.

"Sorry about what?" Dean kept on shoveling. Maia looked up just in time to see Gary get thrown across the basement.

"Dean." Maia grabbed her father's attention, staring at Gary.

"Sam?" Dean ran to Gary worriedly. 

"You okay?" Maia questioned.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Gary yelled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We still got a body to burn, you idiot." Dean gestured towards the grave. "Come on."

The ghost suddenly pulled Dean backward, slamming him into the wall. "Dean?" Maia went back to help her dad. Maggie appeared in front of the two, she advanced on them. Dean and Maia threw their hands up blocking any potential hits, but none came.

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