Fallen Idols (Part 1)

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Maia has been on the road with Sam and Dean for a few weeks now and things haven't gotten any better between the three. Maia was closed off and quiet. If the boys ever tried to make conversation with her, she'd give quick, short answers.

The brothers didn't know what else to do, so Dean found a case in Canton, Ohio. The sky was dark as the older Winchester drove, Sam sat anxiously in the passenger seat, and Maia slept in the back.

"So, what's with this job?" Sam finally asked.

"Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car? I'd say that's worth checking out." Dean stated.

"Yeah, definitely. Uh, but, we got bigger problems, don't you think?"

"I'm sure the Apocalypse will still be there when we get back."

"Right, yeah, but, I mean, If the colt is really out there somewhere-"

"Yeah, we've been looking for three weeks. We got bupkus."

"Okay but, Dean... I mean, if we're gonna ice the devil-"

"This is what we're doing, okay? End of discussion." Dean practically yelled, forgetting about Maia sleeping in the backseat. 

After checking to see if he had woken her up but the demigod was out cold. The older Winchester lowered his voice. "It's just that this is our first real case back at it together plus the kid. You know, I think we ought to ease into it, put the training wheels back on."

"So you think I need training wheels." Sam felt singled out.

"No. 'We.' We need training wheels. You, me and Maia, as a team. Okay?" Dean specified.


"I mean I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For all of us."


* * *

"Agents Bonham and Copeland." The Winchesters held up their badges for the sheriff.

"Rick Carnegie. Good to know you." The sheriff greeted then noticed Maia standing with them. "What's with the kid?"

"Eirene Carmichael." Maia stuck out her hand. "I'm part of the new FBI program that lets kids tag along with agents for the nondangerous part of investigations. It's supposed to help drum up interest so that they can attract more recruits. I have my parent-signed permission slip with me if you need to see it."

Sam and Dean stared at the demigod wide-eyed while the sheriff just nodded his head. "No, um, I don't think that'll be necessary."

"So," Sheriff Carnegie turned back to the boys. You're here on the account of Cal Hopkins death?"

"That's right," Sam confirmed.

"Well, afraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it."

"I'm sorry. Who do you think did it?"

Sheriff Carnegie led the three into his office where a tv was set up with the footage that the victim's friend took.

After watching the short and slightly disturbing video, the sheriff turned to Sam, Dean, and Maia. "Sicko taped his own handiwork."

"I don't follow," Sam stated.

"It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal."

"Wait. What?" Dean didn't understand the sheriff's thought process.

"Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles."

"They were best friends." Sam pointed out.

"Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim."

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