Fallen Idols (Part 3)

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Sam and Maia were outside loading the shotguns with salt rounds. Dean was back in the motel room on the phone, leaving the two to pack up for the hunt alone.

"So," The tallest Winchester spoke up. "You can speak Greek?"

"Mmhmm," Maia nodded, still loading her gun.

"Can you read it too?"


"Is that what language your laptop was on earlier today?"


"Have you always known how to read and speak Greek?"

"Why are you so interested in my life?"

The Winchester did a double-take at the young girl's outburst. He may have struck a nerve, but Sam knew she was hiding something now and he was going to find out what.

"I'm just curious," He stated defensively. Maia said nothing. The blonde only glared at him before putting her attention back on her gun.

Sam sighed, "I'm gonna go get Dean."

The taller Winchester walked up to the motel room, pushing in the already open door.

"Yeah, Abraham Lincoln and James Dean. Can you believe that?" Dean told the person on the phone.

"Why so kill-crazy? Ah, maybe the Apocalypse has got them all hot and bothered. Yeah, well, we all know whose fault that is." The oldest Winchester continued, having not heard Sam come in.

"Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on him."

Pissed off, Sam slammed the door shut, Grabbing not only Dean's attention but Maia's too. The demigod focused, using her super-hearing to eavesdrop from the impala.

"I'll call you later. Bye." Dean spoke to the person on the other end of the phone.

"What's going on?" Sam questioned.

"Did you and Maia get the trunk packed up?" Dean ignored his brother's question.

"Yeah, the trunk's packed. Who was on the phone?"




"So, we're just gonna pretend I didn't hear what I just heard?"

"Pretend or don't pretend, whatever floats your boat."

"This was supposed to be a fresh start, Dean."

"Well, this is about as fresh as it gets. Now we going or not?"

Dean grabbed his jacket, leaving the room. Sam sighed, he was so fed up with his brother but they have a job to do. Trying to calm himself down, the Winchester reluctantly followed his brother to the Impala.

* * *

Sam, Dean, and Maia broke into the wax museum, searching for as many of the objects that the ghosts were attached to.

Dean walked up to the Lincoln figure, stealing its hat and placing it on his own head. Sam found a trash can to burn everything in. The younger Winchester gave his brother his signature bitch face when he saw him wearing the hat.

"Check it out. Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat." Dean impersonated the late president.

"Dean." Sam scoffed and shook his head.

Maia stifled a laugh as she walked down one of the museum's hallways looking for any of the objects that the manager had listed. She hated to admit it but she probably would have done the same thing if this was a hunt she was doing with her mom. 

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