I Believe The Children Are Our Future (Part 3)

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"Dude, what the hell?" Sam asked Dean as they walked down the front steps towards the Impala.

"I had a hunch. I went with it." Dean explained.

"You risked my ass on a hunch?" Sam practically yelled.

"You're fine. Besides, now we know who's turning this town into Willy Wonka's worst nightmare."

"The kid."

"Yeah. Everything Jesse believes comes true. He thinks the tooth fairy looks like Belushi, joy buzzers really shock people. Boom. That's what happens."

"Yeah, but convince him the joy buzzers don't actually work,  and they go from killing machines back into crap toys."

"He probably doesn't even know he's doing it. It took my sister months to realize that she was the one opening and closing all of the kitchen cabinets and drawers." Maia added.

The trio looked up to one of the second-story windows as Jesse opened the curtains to take a peek at them. Dean waved before turning back. "How is he doing it?"

* * *

Maia and Dean sat in the motel room researching the case when Sam walked in. "So, dug up what I could on Jesse Turner. It's not much. Uh, 'B' student, won last year's pinewood derby. But get this. Jesse was adopted. His birth records are sealed."

"So you unsealed them, and...?" Dean asked.

"There's no father listed, but Jesse's biological mom is named Julia Wright. She lives in Elk Creek, on the other side of the state."

"Road trip." Maia declared, rolling her eyes. The demigod was actually getting tired of being in the car all of the time.

* * *

The brothers and Maia marched up yet another set of stairs and rang Julia Wrights doorbell.

"Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested." She called from inside.

"We're not salesmen. Agents Page, Plant, and Smith, FBI." Dean held up his badge along with Sam and Maia.

"Put your badge in the slot. Your Partners' too." Julia ordered from the other side of the door.

The trio shared a look before Dean collected Sam and Maia's badges and tossed them into the slot alongside his.

As soon as Julia verified for herself that they were FBI agents, she unlocked every lock on her door and unhooked the chain, opening the door.

"What do you want?" She asked quickly.

"Thank you. Um...We just had a few questions... About your son." Sam informed.

"I don't have a son." Julia shook her head, obviously lying.

"He was born March 29, 1998, in Omaha. You put him up for adoption?" Sam asked more than stated.

"What about him?" Julia asked in a low, grave voice.

"We were just wondering-- um, was it a... was it a normal pregnancy?" The question brought along a quick awkward silence before Maia spoke up.

"Was there anything strange?" The blonde clarified.

"Stay away!" Julia yelled, attempting to slam the door shut on the trio.

"Mrs. Wright, wait!" Dean caught the door before it closed all the way but Julia was already down the hall and in the kitchen.

In her panicked frenzy, she tried hiding in her pantry but Dean yet again caught the door before she could close it all the way.

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