The Truth About Maia

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Sam and Dean sat across from Maia in a cheap diner booth. The waitress had just taken their orders and the three sat in an uncomfortable. The awkwardness made Maia anxious, causing her to bounce her leg and fiddle with her mother's ring.

The brothers exchanged glances every few seconds, silently begging the other to start asking questions. 

"So are you two going to start your game of twenty questions or what?" Maia beat the Winchesters to the punch. She knew that she was going to have to answer questions sooner or later and she desperately wanted to get it over with.

"What?" Sam and Dean asked in unison.

"Oh, please it's obvious that the two of you are nervous and given all the worried glances throughout the car ride here and the fact that you haven't interrogated me already means that y'all are about to bombard me with questions."

Sam and Dean shared a look before focusing back on Maia. The blonde was the epitome of irony. At first glance, she seemed like an average shy twelve-year-old but her actions and way of speaking made her seem decades older.

"When's your birthday?" Dean started with a simple, nonintrusive question

"Seriously?" Maia tilted her head at the younger Winchester.

Dean shrugged, "We just want to get to know you. So, why not start simple?"

"My birthday is on April fifteenth," Maia informed.

"Where are you from?" Sam piped up.

"Nashville. Why?"

"Just curious. You said y'all and you kind of have a bit of a southern accent."

Maia glared at Sam. "I don't have a-- Oh."

Dean chuckled at his daughter's realization. "Nashville? See any famous people?" He joked.

"All the time. Especially when I worked at my mom's label." Maia answered.

"Melissa owned a record label?" Dean's eyes widened.

"Yeah, she met some guy in college that taught her to play guitar and she changed her major from history to music."

"You said that you worked at the label?" Sam questioned.

"Mmhmm. Whenever my mom was understaffed she would have me go and work with some artists in the studio."

"One caesar salad and two bacon cheeseburgers." the waitress came and set their food down with a smile. "Let me know if you need anything." She offered before walking away to help other customers.

"What about school? Its gotta be weird switching from public to online." Dean asked, taking a big bite out of his burger.

"I wouldn't know," Maia ate a couple of fries.

"What do you mean?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows at the blonde.

"I never went to public school. I've always done it online."

"Why not?" Dean asked. Melissa always talked about wanting a normal life for Maia so hearing that she never went to a real school was a big red flag.

Maia shrugged, "I guess it just made it easier to be a single working mom. It also gave me more chances to go hunting."

"How old were you when you started hunting?" Sam noticed Maia stiffen at his words.

"I was seven."

"I thought Melissa wanted to stay out of hunting, live a normal life," Dean stated, slightly pissed at Melissa for dragging Maia into hunting at such a young age.

"Yeah, she did until the incident happened and she realized how idiotic it was to believe that we could be normal." Maia snapped.

"Because you're a demigod?" Sam questioned.

"How'd you find out?" Maia asked.

"Melissa told me back when I knew her," Dean spoke up.

"What about your ADHD? Is that tied to you being a demigod?" Sam slowly started to piece things together.

"Yes, but it doesn't mean that I can't hunt."

"Is that also why you do that thing where you seem to space out and half finish a bunch of tasks?" Sam pressed on.

"It's more complicated than that." Maia vaguely explained.

"How's it complicated?" Dean grew both worried and curious as the conversation went on.

Maia took a deep breath, this is what she had been wanting to avoid and now the Winchesters were straight-up asking her about it.

"Everyone calls it dyslexia but my brain has been hardwired to understand ancient Greek since I was born. So I have a hard time reading in other languages like English. When I have to do something that can't keep my attention or that isn't the easiest thing for me to do everything distracts me. What starts out as reading lore turns into cleaning my gun, or drawing, or texting a friend."

"And all of that is because you're a demigod?" Sam hopelessly tried wrapping hi mind around Maia's words.

"My mom always said that it meant that I was supposed to be the strongest and most powerful in my family but I don't see that ever happening."

"So... no one else in your family has ADHD or dyslexia?" Dean double-checked.

"Well I do have a cousin with actual dyslexia but he can actually read English. Other than that, I'm the only one." Maia confirmed.

"Oh." was all Dean could say. Maia was full of surprises and secrets and the older Winchester didn't know what more she was hiding behind her walls.

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