The Curious Case of Dean Winchester (Part 4)

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After Maia was able to authenticate the spell and a plan was carefully put together, Sam found Patricks game.

Patrick was currently playing against an elderly Jewish man. Out of whatever kindness the man had, he ended the game early, giving the Jew thirteen extra years.

"Hesh here is gonna live to see his granddaughters bat mitzvah. Isn't that right, Hesh?" Patrick informed Sam as he stepped up to the playing table.

"Thanks again, Patrick." Hesh expressed his appreciation.

"Shalom, my friend. Shalom."

"That was nice of you," Sam stated skeptically.

"I'm a nice guy." Patrick defended. "What can I do for you?"

"Deal." Sam sat down at the table, ready to go through with the plan.

* * *

In a dark and foggy graveyard, Dean was digging up a grave while Bobby and Maia watched. 

"Jawbone of a murderer. Great." Dean huffed. "You know, this really sucks. How do we even know her spell's gonna work? No offense, Maia."

"None taken, I suck at spells. I still don't even know how I just know that it's real." Maia shrugged.

"We don't know. But we ain't got a plan 'B.' Now less flapping and more digging." Bobby answered Dean's question.

Dean went to dig up another pile of dirt but stopped when he felt pain. "Oh, God. My elbows! I'm all creaky."

"Hurry up, you crybaby." Bobby rolled his eyes.

"Pound it up your ass, Ironsides." Dean sassed.

"One little grave." Bobby rolled his eyes.

"Then you do it."

"Fine. I'll hop right in."

"Well, at least your legs are numb."

"Shut up and dig, grandma."

Maia laughed at Dean and Bobby's antics. Sam was right, it really was like 'Grumpy Old Men.'

"Oh. Now it's my back!" Dean complained.

"Can you straighten up?" Bobby questioned.

"Yeah, but a little sympathy wouldn't hurt."

"Butt cheek tingling?"

"Well, that's kind of personal."

"So 'yeah?' It's sciatica. You'll live. Keep digging."

"You know Bobby... killing you is officially on my bucket list."

"All right, I'm done listening to this. Get up, grandpa." Maia stood up.

"What?" Dean gave her an odd look.

"What is your hearing shot too? Get up. I can get this done faster."

Dean slowly climbed out of the grave. "How?"

"One, I'm decades younger than you. Two, you'll see." Maia stood at the edge of the grave, stretching her arms out.

The demigod took a deep breath, "Pretty sure I'm gonna regret this."

"Regret w-" Dean cut himself off when Maia's hands glowed as she held them over the grave. Slowly but surely, the rest of the dirt rose into the air and placed itself in a pile next to the hole.

Maia stumbled back, her nose bleeding.

"How the Hell...?" Bobby trailed off, staring wide-eyed at the blonde.

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