Changing Channels (Part 1)

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Sad, melancholy music flowed from the tv when some moaning was added to the mix. Dean sat at the end of his bed, watching intently.

Maia scrunched up her nose at the sound, "Are you watching porn?"

"What are you watching?" Sam asked Dean at the same time as Maia.

"It's a hospital show. 'Dr. Sexy, M.D.' I think it's based on a book." Dean answered absentmindedly. For some odd reason, the older Winchester couldn't take his eyes off the tv.

"When did you hit menopause?" Sam chuckled.

"It's called channel-surfing." Dean defended, getting up to turn the vintage tv off.

"It's not channel surfing if you're only on one show." Maia sassed, slipping on her leather jacket.

Dean rolled his eyes at his daughter's comment, "You ready?"

"Are you?" Sam teased his brother about the show again.

Dean didn't answer, only grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

"I think that means yes." Maia turned to Sam, fake badge in hand.

* * *

"One more time-- the FBI is here why, exactly?" The sheriff question.

"Well, it might have something to do with one of your locals getting his head ripped off." Dean sassed.

"Bill Randolph died from a bear attack." The sheriff informed.

"How sure are you that it was a bear?" Sam challenged

"What else would it be?"

"Well, whatever it was, it chased Mr. Randolph through the woods, smashed through his front door, followed him up the stairs, and killed him in his bedroom. Is that common-- a bear doing all that?" Maia crossed her arms.

"Depends how pissed off it is, I guess. Look, the Randolphs lived way up in high country. You got trout runs that'll make a grown man weep... and bears."

"Right. Now, what about Mrs. Randolph? The file says she saw the whole thing." Sam asked.

"Yes, she did. My heart goes out to that poor woman." The sheriff confirmed.

"She said bear?" Dean double-checked.

"Kathy Randolph went through a hell of a trauma. She's confused."

"What did she say?" Sam eyed the sheriff.

The shriff took Sam, Dean , and Maia to the interrogetion room where Mrs. Randolph was waiting.

"No. I-it must have been a bear. I-I mean, what else could it have been?" Kathy stammered out.

"Mrs. Randolph... What did you think it was?" Sam gave the woman a sympathetic look.

"No. I-I remember clearly now. It was definitely a bear." Kathy declared.

"We're sure it was. But see it-- it helps us to hear, uh, every angle. So, just tell us what you thought you saw." Dean encouraged.

"Well, it's impossible, but... I could have sworn I saw... The Incredible Hulk." Kathy admitted.

"The Incredible Hulk?" Maia's eyes widened.

"I told you. It's crazy."

"You um..."  Sam started but couldn't find the words to finish his sentence.

"Bana or Norton?" Dean asked.

"Oh, no. Those movies were terrible. The tv Hulk."

"Lou Ferrigno?" Maia's eyebrows furrowed.

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