99 Problems (Part 2)

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Dean and Maia sat across from each other at a bar table while Sam tried to call Castiel. Maia grumbled several curse words in Greek under her breath as she texted her grandfather.

"Nice to know you're just like every other teenager that exists." Dean sassed her.

"It's not my fault that my grandpa can't figure out how to turn the subtitles on his tv off," Maia muttered, still typing angrily. "I swear, it should be illegal for old people to own technology."

Dean chuckled, earning a glare from his daughter.

"You know that this is gonna be you in a few years right?" She questioned.

"A few years?" Dean's jaw dropped in surprise. He didn't expect Maia to make a comment about his age.

"Mmhmm. And I'm not gonna help you do nothing." Maia 

"So, Cas didn't pick up but I left him a message. I think." Sam informed as he joined the two at the table with two beers. "So, uh, what's your theory? Why all the demon hits?" He asked Dean.

"I don't know. Gank the girl prophet, maybe." Dean guessed. "What?" He asked once he noticed the look on his brother's face.

"Just, these angels are sending these people to do their dirty work," Sam answered.

"Yeah. And?" Dean took a sip of his beer.

"And they could get ripped to shreds." Sam countered.

"We're all gonna die, Sam, in like a month-- maybe two. I mean it. I mean, this is the end of the world. But these people aren't freaking out. In fact, they're running to the exits in an orderly fashion. I don't know that that's such a bad thing." Dean explained.

"Who says they're all gonna die? Whatever happened to us saving them?" Sam questioned.

Before Dean could even begin to think of an answer, church bells started ringing. Everyone in the bar immediately moved toward the exit. The three Winchesters watched in confusion.

"Something I said?" Dean rhetorically asked.

Sam glanced back at his brother with his signature bitch face before turning to the bartender he had spoken with earlier. "Paul, what's going on?"

"Leah's had another vision." He answered as he walked past.

"This oughta be interesting." Maia scooted her chair back, getting up. "Who's ready for church?"

"You know me-- downright pious," Dean commented, leading the way out the door.

* * *

The preacher stood in front of the packed church, clearly nervous. "Three miles off Talmadge road."

Leah stepped up to his ear, whispering something.

"Five Miles." The preacher corrected. "There are demons gathered. I... don't know how many, but a lot. Thank you, Leah. So, who's gonna join me?"

"Wouldn't miss it." An older, brown-haired man volunteered.

"Someone's got to cover Rob's ass." Paul joked, raising his hand to volunteer too.

"We're in Padre." Dean volunteered for him, Sam, and Maia.

"Thank you." The preacher nodded in appreciation. "I'd like to offer a prayer."

Everyone in the church bowed their heads as the preacher began to recite a prayer.

"Our Father in Heaven."

"Yeah not so much." Dean scoffed.

"...Please help us in this fight for you..."

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