The Song Remains the Same (Part 1)

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Sam, Dean, and Maia sat around their motel room for Castiel. Anna, an angel friend of Sam and Dean, contacted Dean in a dream, asking for help. Castiel refused to let the brothers meet up with the redheaded angel because her story made no sense. 

Maia didn't understand how her father and uncle could trust angels so easily. Then again, she was raised in a pagan household, she was taught to never trust them.

Castiel returned to the motel room, spell ingredients in hand.

"Really? Anna?" Dean questioned Cas after he told the trio what had happened. Apparently Anna was trying to lure the Winchesters into a trap so that she could kill Sam. "I don't believe it." Dean placed his hands on his hips.

"It's true," Castiel spoke in his usual monotone voice while drawing on the table with chalk.

"So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome." Dean remarked.

"Who's Glenn Close." Cas stood up.

"No one." Dean didn't even bother explaining. "Just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits.

"So, t-the plan to kill me, would it actually stop satan?" Sam asked from his place on one of the beds.

"No, Sam, come on." Dean protested, meanwhile Maia just widened her eyes at her uncle.

"Cas, what do you think? Does Anna have a point?" Sam questioned the angel in the room.

"No. She's a... 'Glenn Close'." Cas hesitated.

Maia stared at him from the couch, she knew that Anna's plan could work yet Cas lied. Could angels not be as bad as her family made them out to be?

"I don't get it. We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam? Why poke the bear?" Dean's question tore Maia away from her thoughts.

"Anna will keep trying. She won't give up until Sam is dead. So we kill her first." Cas explained his plain before chanting in a foreign language Maia didn't recognize. Flames shot up from the tiny pot on the table, as Castiel stumbled backward.

"I found her," Cas informed after several moments.

"Where is she?" Dean asked.

"Not where. When. It's 1978." Cas stood up.

"What? Why 1978? I wasn't even born yet?" Sam stood up, stepping closer to Cas.

"You won't be... if she kills your parents." Cas realized.

"What?" Maia did a double-take.

"Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them." Cas explained.

"Take us back right now," Dean ordered.

"And deliver you right to Anna? I should go alone." Cas refused.

"They're our parents, Cas. we're going." Dean argued.

"It's not that easy." Cas turned around.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Time travel was difficult even with the powers of heaven at my disposal," Cas explained.

"But now you're cut off." Sam realized.

"So, what? You're like a DeLorean without enough plutonium." Dean joked.

"I don't understand that reference. But I'm telling you... taking this trip, with passengers, no less... It'll weaken me." Cas stated.

"Then use me as a backup." Maia stood up from the couch.

"What?" Dean turned to his daughter with a questioning look.

"If Castiel doesn't have enough juice to take us there and back then he can use me as a kind of backup generator," Maia explained.

"Would that work?" Sam asked Cas.

"Theoretically yes. But, Maia, if I tap into your magic to travel through time... you'll be weakened too." Cas tried to discourage the blonde.

"It won't be the first time." Maia shrugged. Castiel finally obliged, he made a quick trip to Jerusalem for holy oil.

"Ready?" Cas zipped his duffel bag closed turning to face the Winchesters.

"Not really." Sam scoffed.

Cas took Maia's hand so that he could siphon off some of her magic.

"Bend your knees," Dean warned.

* * *

There was a flash of white then Sam and Dean were in the middle of a road. A car can to a screeching halt behind them, honking. The brothers moved only to step in front of another car.

"Did we make it?" Sam asked Dean when they finally made it to the sidewalk.

"Unless they're bringing pintos back into production, I, uh, I'd say yes," Dean looked around, spotting Cas and Maia sitting against a parked car. "Maia? Cas?" Dean ran forward, dropping to his knees.

"Hey. Hey. Hey." Sam crouched down on the other side of the two.

"Take it easy. Take it easy. You all right?" Dean questioned.

"Everything's spinning," Maia answered.

"I'm fine." Cas lied at the same time. "I'm much better than I expected." Cas tried standing up but started coughing up blood.

"Cas?" Maia furrowed her eyebrows. She was actually worried about the angel.

Sam placed his hand in front of Castiel's mouth. "He's breathing... sort of. What do we do?"

* * *

The answer to Sam's question was to drop Cas off at a hotel so that he could sleep it off. Sam tore a page out of the phone book placed in a phone booth. Dean came out of the hotel after getting Castiel a room for a couple of nights.

"How're you holding up?" Dean asked Maia, who sat on the outdoor steps.

"I'm fine. I feel like I haven't slept in days, but I'm fine." Maia looked up at her father.

"At least you're not spewing blood," Dean said as Sam joined them.

"I mean, the mustaches alone..." Sam trailed off.

"So I paid for Cas for five nights up in the, uh, honeymoon suite. I told the manager, 'Do not disturb no matter what'. You know what he said to me? 'Yeah. Don't sweat it. Want to buy some dope?' Dope. We ought to stick around here, buy some stock in Microsoft." Dean chuckled.

Maia stared at Dean, What the hell is dope?

"Yeah, we might have to if Cas doesn't recover. Is he all right?" Sam asked.

"What do I look like-- Dr. Angel, medicine woman? He'll wake up. He's, you know, tough for a little nerdy dude with wings." Dean reassured.

"If he landed like that, hopefully, so did Anna. Should buy us some time." Sam hoped.

"So, did you find 'em?" Dean referred to his and Sam's parents.

"Yeah. Uh... the Winchesters. 485 Robin Tree." Sam read the page he ripped out of the phone book.

"Let's go pop in on the folks." Dean started walking off, searching for a car to hijack. Maia stood up from the stairs.

"Wait, what's dope?" Maia looked up at Sam. The younger Winchester just stared down at his niece.

"You're kidding right?" He asked.

"Uh... no." Maia shook her head.

Sam just walked away. "Nope. I am not that old."

"It's just a question!" Maia yelled running after Sam.

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