Point of No Return (Part 4)

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Over the next few hours, Maia had somehow managed to draw a very detailed and elaborate picture of a Strix. She had been so hyperfocused that her attention wasn't pulled away until a sharp ringing echoed in her ears.

"Did you hear that?" Maia scrunched up her nose at the sound, glancing around the room.

"Oh, now you want to talk." Bobby sassed.

"Sorry, sometimes I get too focused on something and it's hard to put my attention an anything else." Maia apologized.

"Nah, it's fine." Bobby waved it off. "What were you asking earlier?"

"I, uh, I heard something. But I didn't know if maybe it was in my head or if only I could hear it or something." Maia moved so that she stood in front of Bobby's desk.

"I didn't hear anything." Bobby shook his head. "Do you normally hear things that others can't?"

"Sometimes," Maia admitted. "Normally it's something I have to focus on but lately it's like I just hear things that I shouldn't be able to hear. Even with my powers."

Bobby slowly nodded, taking in Maia's words. "You know, Cas has been in the basement for a while. Why don't you go check on him?"

Maia gave Bobby a look. "You don't really think--"

"There's no harm in checking." Bobby shrugged.

Maia nodded jogging down the stairs and rounding the corner to find the panic room door open.

"Dean?" Maia called out, inching closer to the door. "Cas?" She stepped into the room, her jaw dropping. The room was empty and an angel-banishing symbol was displayed on the wall. She turned around, storming up the stairs.

"Where's Cas?" Bobby questioned.

"Blown to Oz." Maia spat.

"What?" Sam walked into the room having only heard Maia's words.

"Dean left and he got rid of Cas," Maia stated. "I'm done. I'm gone." She marched out of the room.

"Okay, um, I'll get Dean." Sam turned to Bobby. "He couldn't have gone too far. Just watch Maia and Adam."

"How?" Bobby retorted. "You may have noticed, they both got a slight height advantage and Maia has powers."

"Convince Maia to stay and put her on Adam duty." Sam shrugged. "I don't know. Just watch them." He slipped on his jacket, running out of the house.

Just seconds later, Maia reentered the study, bags in hand again. "Peace out." She tried leaving but Bobby stopped her.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Anywhere but here." Maia tried to bypass the man again but still failed.

"Maia, what is this about?" Bobby sighed. "It isn't like you to run away like this.

Maia huffed dropping her bags and turning to face Bobby. "I don't like change," she admitted. "I never did. I hate moving to new places, meeting new people, trying new things. I hate all of it. And seven months ago, I experienced so much change in a matter of hours. I had a dad, my mom died, I had to say goodbye to my sister, and I had no time to say bye to my family or friends. And, for some reason, I thought that I could have one day, just one day, without change. All I wanted for today was to relax in my new normal but I can't even have that! Not to mention that Dean doesn't even seem to care and I know how odd this sounds coming from me but I wouldn't be so upset if this was any other birthday."

"Why is this one so special?" Bobby asked gently.

Maia sighed, wiping at her teary eyes. "It's my thirteenth birthday. In my family, it's more important than turning sixteen, or eighteen, or twenty-one-- all of the big birthdays that normal people celebrate. It's like all of them rolled into one and my dad is trying to throw himself at an angel, you want to commit suicide, and I just want to go back to New Orleans."

"Maia, I'm sorry." Bobby apologized. Now he realized why she was acting so cold earlier; she had heard the entire conversation between him and Dean.

"It's fine." Maia shook her head at herself. She never cared about her birthday. But, for some reason, this year she did. "It's not like you guys know all of my family's traditions or whatever." She glanced to her right, quickly doing a double-take when she realized that Adam wasn't sleeping on the cot anymore. "What happened to Adam?"

Bobby turned to the cot, frowning at the sight of an empty cot. "Balls."

* * *

"What do you mean Adam is gone?" Sam questioned angrily. After discovering the disappearance of the youngest Winchester brother, Bobby and Maia decided to call Sam. Which Maia was already regretting.

"Should I say it in Spanish?" Bobby sassed.

"He's gone how?" Sam yelled, running his hands through his hair angrily. "What the hell guys?!"

"Stop yelling," Maia told her uncle. "He was right there and then-- poof. He was gone."

"Because the angels took him," Castiel informed as he appeared in the study with a beat-up and unconscious Dean leaning on him.

"What the hell happened to him?" Sam asked, only slightly worried about his brother.

"Me." Cas dumped the older Winchester onto the cot, making Maia cringe.

"What do you mean, the angels took Adam?" Bobby rolled into the study with Sam and Maia following after him. "You branded his ribs, didn't you?

"Yes," Cas nodded, "Adam must have tipped them."

"How?" Maia questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe in a dream." Cas suggested.

"Well, where would they have taken him?"

* * *

After a lengthy and heated discussion about how to help Adam, everyone finally agreed on Sam's idea. Well, not exactly agree but definitely settled for it. Once Dean woke up, Castiel would teleport him and Sam to a special room that the angels had held Dean in the first time he agreed to say yes to Michael.

While Sam sat down in the panic room waiting for Dean to wake up and Cas was doing recon at the room, Maia paced up and down the kitchen, biting her nails.

"Would you stop doing that?" Bobby finally looked up from a book he was reading, glaring at Maia.

"Sorry," Maia mumbled, sitting down on a would chair in Bobby'd study.

A few moments passed of Maia bouncing her leg in anxiousness and Bobby glancing at her repeatedly before he spoke up again. "You not going?" He asked.

"Nope." Maia shook her head.

"Why not? Normally you'd jump at the chance to go hunting."

"Yeah, well this time it's gonna end with Dean sacrificing himself to a frickin angel." Maia spat.

"You don't know that." Bobby attempted to reassure the young girl.

"Actually, I do." Maia stood up, facing the older hunter. "My entire life, my mom has told me that I acted so much like my dad and over these past few months I've been able to see that. If he truly thinks that everyone is safer off with him saying yes then he's gonna do it."

"If that's what you're basing this off of-- similar personalities-- then you should know that there is a chance that Dean won't say yes," Bobby said. "Because the both of you are good at surprising those around you."

Maia crossed her arms, taking an interest in her shoes. "Yeah, well, I'm still not going." She insisted before walking upstairs to go crash on her bed.

A/N: One chapter left folks! This is the last part of Point of No return so the next chapter will wrap up this book and set up the next one. 

Thanks so much for reading and please vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter.

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