Happy (belated) Birthday

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Maia climbed the steps to Bobby's house, slowing to a stop when she heard hushed voices inside. She furrowed her eyebrows. She quietly opened the front door, walking slowly so that the sound of her boots hitting the floor wouldn't be too noticeable.

"Did you get the candles?" Dean's voice questioned.

"I thought you were supposed to get those," Sam answered.

"No, I got the cake. Your job was to get candles." Dean criticized.

"Relax, Dean. Check the Kitchen, there might be some in a drawer or something." Bobby offered.

Maia furrowed her eyebrows, stepping around the corner. "What's going on?"

All three men froze, sharing panicked looks. Dean glanced at Sam and Bobby for help.

"Uh, what's with the glasses?" Bobby gestured to the black frames resting on Maia's nose in an attempt to change the subject. He had never seen her wear glasses before and it was the first thing his mind thought of to say.

"I'm near-sighted. Ran out of contacts." Maia crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the men in front of her. "What are y'all doing?"

Dean stepped to the side, revealing a two-layered cake on the kitchen table. "Happy birthday. Or, late birthday."

Maia raised her eyebrows at her dad. "Really?"

"Bobby mentioned how big of a deal turning thirteen was for you so we went out and got a cake and some other stuff," Sam explained.

Maia shot Bobby a slightly-annoyed look. "Bobby wasn't supposed to say anything."

"Yeah, well, he did and now you have a cake." Dean shrugged.

"About that..." Maia scrunched up her nose. "Not to be picky but I don't really like cake."

"Oh." Sam scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Then what do you like?

"Pie," Maia answered.

"Oh, you're so my kid." Dean smiled, grabbing his jacket and car keys. "There's a diner here in town that has amazing pie. But you might want to get your things first."

"Why?" Maia drew out, tilting her head.

"We're taking a trip afterward," Dean said simply. A glint of sadness shone in his eyes as he turned away from his daughter. "I'll be waiting in the car."

Maia gave Bobby and Sam a questioning look, "What was that about?"

Sam shrugged, faking confusion. "Don't know. But you should probably hurry." He told his niece before joining Dean outside in the Impala.

Maia looked between his retreating figure and Bobby. "I'm guessing that you're not gonna tell me anything either?"

"There's nothing to tell." Bobby lied, wheeling away.

Maia sighed, rolling her eyes before heading upstairs to pack just like she was asked.

* * *

The diner pie was amazing. Maia sat in the restaurant with Sam and Dean for a couple of hours, talking and eating. It was just what she had wanted.

Now, Maia was sprawled out in the backseat, sleeping while Dean drove to a destination unknown to her.

Dean glanced in his rearview mirror yet again, causing Sam to speak up. "You sure you want to do this?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm sure." Dean insisted.

"You keep looking at her every few minutes." Sam pointed out

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