eight - Wings of Fire

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Winter's POV:

Argh, with the endless flying. When would they EVER get to the lost continent? They had been flying for the past SEVEN DAYS. For SEVENTEEN HOURS A DAY. With less than SEVENTY BREAKS IN TOTAL. WHERE IN THREE MOONS WAS THIS PANT-CONTINENT THING. Why was it SO FAR—

Oh, wait. There it was. There was a patch of trees off to the right, a few stick looking things to the far left of the continent, but otherwise, there were no trees. It was a savanna. And seriously, why was it SO HOT? It was like the rainforest on Pyrrhia. But SEVEN HUNDRED TIME WORSE. Winter was desperate to dive into the ocean to see whether it was colder, but that would look weird. He settled with pretending everything was perfect. IT WASN'T. 

There were a few dots in the distance, on the edge of the forest. A green dot, a yellow-and-black dot, a blue dot, and a different darker blue dot. Then . . . was that another yellow-and-black speck of dust? Winter shook his head, but the dragons remained as blurry as every. 

"Blue!" Luna cried, although he couldn't even hear her.

Another exhausting seven thousand seconds later, Winter could hear an unfamiliar voice saying anxiously (much more anxiously than Turtle ever sounded),  "But still. Our planet is crashing into another planet. It's still a big problem . . ."

Luna cried, "We'll find a way!"

The dragons, unlike anything Winter had ever seen, turned to look at them.


Winter felt very awkward. Everyone looked so happy. Even Moon and Qibli and Turtle and Anemone and Kinkajou, and they weren't reuniting with a long-lost brother and love. And some other dragons they knew. The only other scowling dragon in teh group was the PlantWing. Uhh, LeafWing. Her name was Sundew, and her scowl rivaled Winter's. Every time they looked at each other, her scowl deepened, so Winter deepened his so he would win the scowling contest. 

Once Moon looked at him and Sundew, and she looked like she was watching two penguins try to fly. 

Winter ignored it. Especially since he was also trying not to let his snorts make too much noise.

The yellow-and-black speck of dust—a BeeWing—uhh, HiveWing—called Bumblebee—was trying to climb Sundew's leg, yelling "SNUDOO" over and over again. Sundew batted at her with no avail, until she produced a mango and she giggled happily and begged for more, which made Sundew scowl even more—though it looked forced. So Winter was officially winning.

The two blue dots turned out to be Blue adn Swordtail—Luna's brother and another dragon Luna seemed to be in a . . . relationship . . . with. Winter would leave it at that.

The final dot—the bigger yellow-and-black one—was the one Winter found the most annoying. Really. Cricket would NOT stop asking questions. At the moment, she was saying:

"Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! I know! You're a RainbowWing!" she cried, gazing incredulously at Kinkajou's color-changing g scales, which Winter was BETTING ON HIS OWN TAIL that she was making MORE BRIGHT and MORE OF AN EYESORE to annoy Winter, who was now directing his scowl at her. She smiled innocently and turned an alarming shade of hot pink and yellow. 

"Close," she said in a sing-song voice, and Cricket paused—though only for a second. The she said, "OHH! I KNOW! YOU'RE A COLORWING!"

"What is THAT supposed to be?" Sundew barked, about as annoyed at Cricket as Winter was. The HiveWing ignored them. "And YOU TWO!" she said, directing her energy to Anemone and Turtle, who seemed to shrink in fear. "I bet you're a WebWing! Look at those awesome webs on your talons! What do they do? Let you make cool prints on the ground. I BET THAT'S IT!" 

"Uh, it's to—" Anemone began, but now Cricket had seen Moon. She gasped dramatically. "CLEARSIGHT!" Cricket looked like she was going to faint. Sundew and Winter rolled their eyes simultaneously, and immediately resumed the scowling contest. 

"No, I'm not—" Moon began, shifting uncomfortably. 

"Ahh! Brain overload!" Cricket actually fainted this time. A blessing.

"Wow," Qibli said, eyes wide. "That was a surprise."

"PLEASE tell me that introductoins are over now," Winter groused. "It's been seven BILLION seconds."

"You've been counting?" asked Sundew, amused.

"Counting the seconds until I can go home," Winter grumbled.

"Well, we're here to—" Qibli began, but Cricket woke up and gasped, "We have to defeat Wasp!" 

"—defeat the great evil." Qibli finished. "Which may or may not be Wasp and something else. Or someone else. We're not sure."

"WHAT?" Cricket gasped even louder than before. "ANOTHER evil? We're going to DIE!" 

"I hope so," muttered Sundew. 

Blue frowned at her, then said, "We have to? I thought we were already done with the great evil? We destroyed Wasp's greenhouse!" 

"That doesn't free all the dragons already in her hivemind." Sundew pointed out. "So we're back to square one."

"Make that square negative one," said Qibli. "What's a hivemind?"

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