twenty six - KOTLC

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Fitz POV:

Sophie gasped. "No way," she says, shaking her head furiously. "No. Way."

He felt her leave as she processed what they had just learned. But Fitz continued watching the memory, but it finished quite quickly.

The white dragon roared in agony as Fintan shot a ball of fire at him. He roared again and flailed in the water, trying to swim, but the waves dragged him under. The last he saw was a sand-colored dragon reaching for a black-cloaked figure's—most likely Fintan's—neck.

The dragon was sinking and he was helpless—the water hadn't cooled his burns—and he was loosing air. He was so sure he was going to die when . . .

He was falling. Like, from the sky. Which was literally impossible—

The memory ended, bringing Fitz back to reality.

Elwin was there, trying to figure out dragon anatomy, as Sophie was telling everyone else what they had seen. ". . . and then three members of the Neverseen suddenly popped out of the water . . ." she was saying.

"And Fintan was there," Fitz added.

"WHAT?" Sophie cried. "You're sure?"

"I finished watching the memory. Fintan shot . . . I think it was Everblaze—"

"And balefire. I'm sure now," Marella told Sophie. 

"Yeah. He shot Everblaze and balefire at this dragon and a yellow-colored one went to attack it . . . but I don't know what happened to it." Fitz said.

"So . . . do you two think you can dredge up some information about this dragon so that when it wakes up, healed, we can interrogate it?" Councillor Emery asked from behind them, making Fitz jump.

"Sure . . . . Yeah." Sophie said, and Fitz nodded in agreement.

As they dove into the dragon's mind, they transmitted findings, like the dragon's name—Winter—and it's tribe—if Sophie translated correctly—IceWing—to his most recent adventures. They sort of went through the Winter's whole life—from his demanding parents, to somewthing called "Jade Mountain Academy", to a really big and creepy and apparently also evil dragon called Darkstalker and his aunt's death and up until them finding the "lost continent" and the memory they'd found earlier.

Sophie and Fitz blinked back into the present after watching that dreadful memory again.

The sun was setting, and no one else was around but Edaline, Elwin and Councillor Oralie.

Fitz saw Sophie scowl, which made him confused. What was wrong? She couldn't be mad at her own mom, or Elwin, who was still treating some of the dragon's burns, but overall Winter looked in pretty good shape.

Save for the deep pain lines in his face.

Edaline ran to Sophie, hugging her, and Oralie looked like she was holding in a sigh. Sophie told Edaline all about their findings, and soon they were deep in a conversation about not getting too lost in memories.

Fitz went over to Elwin to see how Winter was doing, and Councillor Oralie joined them soon afterwards.

"He's doing fine," Elwin announced. "But we should probably move him to Havenfield now."

"Havenfield?" Fitz asked.

"We think that since so many other animals were there to be prepared for the Sanctuary, he could rest and heal there too." Oralie explained. "We might ask Silveny to move Wynn and Luna, though. We don't know what might happen if they discover another dangerous friend."

Suddenly, the Big White Thing beside them moved, and Fitz jumped out of the way. Oralie made it out of range in time, but poor Elwin was hit by the dragon's thrashing tail.

He flew a few feet away, landing with a horrible thump.

Fitz saw Sophie wince, then go see if the physician was alright.

"I'm alright!" Elwin said, slightly out of breath as Fitz and Oralie ran up to him.

Then Edaline squealed, and everyone turned to look at the massive white dragon that loomed over them all.

He growled something that sounded like hggr roar growl humph. Fitz was trying not to laugh despite his fear. Was that seriously a language? And Sophie could understand it?

But she did seemed to understand, and replied with an equally hilarious groumph or something like that.

They had a little conversation, and then the dragon wobbled, rubbing a talon over his eyes as he sat down heavily, making the earth shake under him. Sophie said something else, but the dragon fell unconscious again. Probably from exhaustion. 

"What did he say?" Fitz asked.

"I'll tell you later," she said. "We should light leap him while he's still unconscious."

So Elwin staggered up to the dragon and placed a hand on it's talon. Oralie took his hand, and Edaline took hers. Sophie took the lead with her home crystal in hand, and Fitz took the other side of the dragon.

"Alright," Sophie said. "On one . . . two . . . three!"

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