thirty nine - Wings of Fire

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Sundew POV:

ARG. WILLOW. Why, WHY did she just HAVE to sneak along to the Scavenger planet. She KNEW it couldn't be 100% safe. Look at Winter! HE was just okay because he's some sort of scavenger-loving prince! WHY DID YOU GO, WILLOW?

"Hey, uh, it's okay," Hazel said, somewhat nervously from beside her. "Look, even that Fitz scavenger looks calmer than you."

Hmm . . . Understatement.

Fitz the Reading Monkey was jumping up and down in a fit of rage—or at least it looked like it. Another scavenger—one that blinked in and out of sight—was trying to calm him, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Actually, Hazel," Sundew said. "It seems he is more angry than I am."

Hazel sighed. "But really, you don't need to worry for Willow. She'll be alright," she said.

Sundew tried—no, she really did—to hang on that thin line of comfort, but she still wished she could be there to protect her.

Suddenly there was a high-pitched yelp pf excitement came from the wall of the hut.

No, wait. It was from a strawberry-blond-furred scavenger. He was holding up this . . . thing . . . that looked like a crystal (WHERE DID HE GET THAT) and something that looked like a scale (yeah, Winter was rubbing his tail with a deep scowl) put together. Or something like that. Then there was a thin copper wire wrapping then together and something that looked like a SilkWing antennae but made of metal stuck out from it. 

But what surprised Sundew the most was when the scavenger spoke.

He was speaking, loud and clear, in Dragon.

In his weird gadget he yelled, "HI, DRAGONS! I'm DEX!"

The Vanishing scavenger had been running towards . . . Dex . . . in excitement, but stopped midway, confused. Sundew thought she said, "What?"

Dex explained something in their language, and she nodded, then snatched his gadget and yelled in it too.

"Hi, I'm Biana. That angry elf there is Fitz, the blonde one is Marella, and the one who's currently playing with forcefields is Maruca." She introduces.

"I'm not going to remember that," Hazel murmured beside Sundew. "I can barely remember my own subjects' names!"

"I have to make the range bigger . . ." muttered Dex, but all the dragons could still understand him. He reached for another antennae from his pocket (who puts METAL in their pockets?) and stuck a total of nine more—Sundew counted—until he grinned, triumphant. "It should work all through both worlds now!" He said, his grin widening when none of the dragons looked the least bit confused.

"So we can all talk without having to use Sophie?" Marella—or was it Maruca?—asked. "Great. Because hearing growls is not always great. Sorry." She added to the dragons.

"Yeah. I was worried we would have to rely on Sophie all the time," laughed Biana. "Well, Dex solved that, at least."

"You know, though," Sundew said quietly to Hazel. "I am a bit worried about something."

The LeafWing queen glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. "Willow?" she asked.

"No—well, yeah, I guess, but something else." Sundew looked across the ocean, to her home. There was something—someone—they hadn't seen since their planets crashed. Which was actually a bit concerning, because Sundew thought the she would be itching to send her dragons to tear them all apart after all teh secrets they unearthed. "Wasp."

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