thirty two - KOTLC

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Amy POV:

Amy and Grady reappeared exactly where she had been when Winter (accidentally) snatched her and brought her back to Havenfield: the park. She waved bye to Sophie's adopted father and hurried through the park, hoping no one noticed her appear randomly in the middle of the trail. 

Her mom and dad would be home any minute, so she had to hustle.

The encounter with Winter still rang through her mind, though. She wasn't physically hurt; Winter had actually been kind of gentle with her. But she couldn't understand a word he said, she couldn't stop thinking about him. 

Not in a romantic way or anything, ew. Just . . . because. 

Something was nagging at the back of her mind, waiting to be discovered. 

She was distracted all through dinner and she spent half the night awake, trying ot remember what the beautiful ice-blue dragon reminded her of. 

He was exotic and really cool, but that was just his exterior. It wasn't really about how he looked. More like what he was.

Amy latched onto that idea. It clicked with whatever she was trying to remember. 

It wasn't until she was sitting through the most boring history class in history that she remembered. This dragon reminded her of a legend this same history teacher had once told her about.

One where, millennia ago, the world had been overrun with legendary creatures. Dwarves, trolls, gnomes, elves, and more. But that legend was true, Amy realized, since these creatures were real. Right here on this planet. But her teacher had also told her one more creature had lived here.


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