forty - KOTLC

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Linh POV:

Landing in Foxfire at the end of the day on a school day no less with a dragon certainly riled people up.

A lot.

Prodigies had still been using the Leapmaster when Sophie teleported them onto the purple grass that grew only at Foxfire.

When they saw her, Tam and Sophie, they looked at them funny.

Then they saw Willow, who originally looked like a moving lump of green grass (not too unusual but unusual here), and began screaming.

Prodigies pushed against each other to get to the Leapmaster, and Linh was sure some would accidentally leap to someone else's house other than their own.

"What?" Willow said. "Did I do something?"

"No. Elves are weird." Tam said, scowling his usual scowl as a Level Two crashed into him in his panic.

"Yeah, you totally weren't suppressing a scream when you first saw dragons," Linh teased. "I was beside you, I heard."

Tam's scowl deepened, but a tint of pink colored his cheeks. "I didn't," he protested.

"Whatever you say," Linh singsonged.

Sophie was already inside in the building, making a beeline for the Healing Center with Wylie right behind her.

Linh followed, but stopped when she realized Willow was too big to fit in.

"It's okay, I'll wait out here," Willow said.

"I can stay with you . . ." Linh suggested.

"No, I will," Tam said. "I don't really want to be there when Keefe wakes up."

Linh sighed. "What's wrong with you two? Alright, stay if you want. I will go check on my friend." She called over her shoulder as she ran to catch up with Sophie and Wylie.

When she arrived in the Healing Center, Wylie was rapidly telling Elwin everything that had happened so far, while Sophie was sitting on a cot pulled up very close to Keefe's, with her eyes closed.

Probably calling him telepathically.

Linh stood in the doorway, a little awkwardly. But she made her way to Keefe's side, sitting on the cot on Keefe's other side.

A few minutes later, Sophie's eyes popped open, and she sighed when she spotted Linh. "No, he still won't respond," she said.

"I'm sorry," Linh said. She knew it was hard for Sophie.

"I guess . . . Wait, where's Tam and Willow?" she asked.

"Here!" a muffled voice said.

Linh and Sophie turned to the nearest window, where a dragon eye was peeking at them.

"Oh!" Sophie said. "Hi, Willow,"

Elwin hadn't noticed Willow at first, but he did when Sophie began to speak Dragon.

"What were you growling about, Sophie?" Elwin asked, rowning. "I don't think that's Enlightened Language anything, unless you also invented some new words for 'I'm frustrated.'"

"Dragon," Wylie explained for her. "We brought a dragon back with us."

"You . . . What?" Elwin asked. "And you're keeping it here? Magnate Leto will definitely notice. I don't think he'll mind, but . . . oh. Is that why so many prodigies were screaming? I thought it was a reincarnation of the Great Gulon Incident,"

Sophie turned, panicked. "No, it's fine! We're just bringing her to Havenfield. We'll alert the Council of her presence if we need to. And Mr. For—well, Magnate Leto, I guess, doesn't have to know. For now, Linh, Tam and Wylie are going to try to get the Council alerted of the Neverseen's current plans." she explained.

"Speaking of the Council," a haughty voice said. "Where have you been and why have you been neglecting your Regent responsabilities, Lady Foster?"

Sophie sighed. Even Linh recognized this voice. Stina Heks.

"Not only her." Wylie added. "Me too. And Dex and Biana. Why must you bother Sophie if we're here?"

"She is the leader. And I was the only one here while you ran off to find some non-existent dragons." Stina huffed.

"Not non-existent," Wylie said. "Look out the window,"

Stina rolled her eyes and turned to the window, only to yelp in surprise.

"See? We found them." Wylie said. "Besides, I'm back now."

"And Sophie?" Stina said, recovering from her shock rather quickly.

"She needs to go back." Linh offered. "We're dealing with a huge Neverseen problem right now."

"And Wasp!" Willow added from outside.

"Oh, yeah," Linh said.

"Wasp?" Stina asked.

"Some evil dragon queen in the other planet," Sophie explained. "I'm going now, if you don't mind. Keep an eye on Keefe for me?" she asked Linh.

"Sure, I'll check in on him everyday. Reach out to me telepathically if you need us back or something. Or tell us about a new discovery. Or, you know, anything." Linh said.

"Yeah," Sophie said. "Thanks, Linh."

Then she ran out the door.

"Alright," Linh said. "Let's get to work!"

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