First Chapter: Introduction

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All events from the book are solely from the imagination of the author. Nothing is based on real life or made to be believed by the readers. This is a fanfiction.



"Goodafternoon Sir. May I take your order?"

"Yeah. Uhmm..." The old man, probably around his late 60's, replies. It takes him quite a while to give his order so you patiently wait behind the counter, and try your best not to tap your fingers against the side of the cashier in impatience.

You have been working in this small coffee shop, conveniently not so far away from your apartment for a while now. It gives you enough money to pay for all your monthly dues for electricity, water etc. Even if it was a small shop, plenty of people come and go, filling up the brown tables and chairs to keep you company. Not that you worked alone, no. You had Joy and Jisoo as your co-workers. Honestly, you think they were the sole reasons why people would come to the coffee shop. Both of them were drop-dead gorgeous.

After a while, the old man still can't decide what he wants, so you glance behind him to see that more people were waiting, and one person in particular seemed very impatient.

"Hey. Old man. I'm in a hurry. Will ya please give your damn order already?" This came from behind the old man, and you peek to the side to see a grumpy man (probably around his 40's) wearing round Harry Potter glasses and a beige coat. Not that what he was wearing mattered, but you made a mental note to have an oitfit that looked like that. The 60 year old man looks behind him and you see that the both of them were pissed off. You shoot both of them a small, apologetic smile.

The younger man shrugs and rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms on his chest. How rude. Did someone pee on his coffee this morning?

Finally, the older man gave his orders and you type it in. He smiles at you, and you could tell that he must have been very handsome when he was younger. Cute.

Next up was the grumpy man. "Yeah, okay. Give me a caramel macchiato." He says.

You nod and press in his orders but upon pressing the green confirm button, the cashier hung, and you tried fixing it to no avail. "Uhmmm....Boss?" You call.

Your boss turns his head around from making a cup of coffee for another customer and says, "Is the cashier register not working again?"

"Mhmm." You say and nod in approval. He scratches his head a bit, but nontheless gets to fix it immediately. While he goes fixing it, you ask Jisoo who was just standing idly to make the caramel macchiato for the customer.

You look at your boss, and you really can't stop yourself from admiring him. He has light brown hair that's slightly parted to reveal a portion of his forehead, he has dark colored eyes you admire so much. When he smiles too, oh gosh. He has big teeth that weirdly reminded you of a bunny. On top of all that, the best part was that he was super kind. He himself didn't actually own the shop, his father did, but he chooses to stay, work and help out in the coffee shop. He is incredibly cute, and you did have a slight crush on him. Well, who wouldn't?

Stop it Y/N. You have a boyfriend.....

Well, to be fair, both of you were sort of having a lot of trouble lately, he's been so distant with you and he ignores most of your attempts to fix each other....But that doesn't give you any right to think of other guys like this. In the end, you might be the unloyal one. You wouldn't want that. You breath in and out, and try to focus.

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