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You were behind Jungkook, and you could notice how slow and cautious he was driving. "Are you alright Jungkook?" You ask, a tad bit worried.

He glances at you, looking a bit confused at your random question. "I'm alright. Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, it's're driving really slow."

Jungkook smirks at your statement, but he shakes his head. "I'll be honest, I think Taehyung is running. I can't think of another way on how he'll get home. Unless he's riding a cab..?"

"Nah, don't worry. He has his ways."

Although what you said made Jungkook wonder, he kept himself from asking too much questions. If you didn't elaborate, then probably you had to keep it secret.

You were glad he didn't ask anymore questions, or else you would had to think of excuses for Taehyung.

Right above you and Jungkook, Taehyung was gliding through the clouds and overlooking the two of you.

"Why are they so slow?" He wonders to himself. If he were to be honest, he missed the feeling of flying, spreading his wings.

But this slow? He could not think of a reason why Jungkook would be this cautious.

"You want me to go faster?" Jungkook teases, and you grip on the sides of the motorcycle. "Hey, I didn't say anything. I was just wondering!"

Taehyung widens his eyes as he sees you and Jungkook pass by faster, and he catches up with the two of you.

A few minutes of flying later, Taehyung finaaly sees the house in view. He smirks, an idea coming up in his head as he spins in the air and descends slowly.

Upon arriving in front of your house, you squint your eyes to see that Taehyung was casually waiting with crossed arms. It was as if he was there for quite a while.

Jungkook was dumbfounded, how could Taehyung have arrived earlier than the two of you?

You didn't even hide your grin as you hopped off the motorcycle, looking at Taehyung as you almost skipped to him. You playfully punch his arm as he returns a happy grin.

"How...did you get here before us?" Jungkook questions, causing you to glance at him.

Taehyung only gives him his famous box smile, and tell him, "Magic."

Jungkook looks at him in disbelief, but doesn't push the matter further. "Alright," he huffs. "I better be going now. Thanks guys."

"Thanks Jungkook!" You say, waving at him. He leaves, and Taehyung puts an arm over your shoulder.

"You sly guy." You say, and he winks at you. "I had fun actually. Missed doing it." He replies. And after that, the two of you entered the house.


The next morning, Taehyung woke up earlier than usual. He opened his eyes to see you beside him, embracing the warm pillow that was in between the two of you.

You slept so peacefully, and he couldn't help but smile at your figure. It was nice waking up next to you every morning, one of the best feelings he has ever felt in his time of existence.

He hoped it would always be like this.

He figured he should make breakfast for you, since you would probably wake up a few minutes after him.

He slowly sat down, careful not to make any noise as not to disturb your sleep. After using the washroom and finishing his morning routine, he walks to the kitchen to start cooking.

Passing by the wall clock, he wonders what time it is. Glancing to his left, he reads the time...only to realize its clock hands are stuck.

"Huh...9:24? That can't be right." He murmurs to himself. He knows his body clock, so if today was a normal day it should be around six or seven thirty, not this late. At this time, the both of you should start getting ready to go out for work.

Nevermind...Taehyung thinks. He can just bother to fix it later on.

You woke up to the smell of brownies, and you sit up with such speed that your head throbbed. "Ow...I shouldn't have done that."

Despite the headache, you rush to the washroom to quickly fix yourself before running to the kitchen. "Taehyung!" You call, grinning as your nose picked up the amazing scent of chocolate.

"Morning." Taehyung greets, his deep voice shocking you a bit. Why are you even surprised? Its never going to stop amazing you.

"Brownies...?" You ask, hoping that your guess was indeed correct.

"Yup!" He responds, and you clap your hands in excitement. "I've never seen you bake before." You add.

"Yeah, but I've done it a couple of times already. My mom used to bake for me almost everyday, she loved doing it when I was a little kid."

You smile as you imagine baby Taehyung running around the house as his mom called him for some brownies.

"Cute." You coo, watching Taehyung bend down to open the stove to get the second batch of brownies.

"Can I get these ones already?" You ask, slowly walking towards the plate of freshly baked brownies.

"No! Not yet." He shouts, causing you to frown. The smell was tempting you, and you could feel your fingers twitching to take a bite of the scrumptious looking treats.

After taking out the last batch, he added powdered sugar on top of each square. It made it more presentable, and you couldn't wait any longer as you took a brownie and bit on it.

Taehyung's eyes widened slightly, and he anticipated your reaction. Hopefully it qas a good one.

You slowly chewed on the chocolate, and then placed your free hand on the counter top. "....Wow." You say, clearly at a loss of words at the taste of the dessert.

He grins happily, thanking God you liked what he worked hard for. "Brownies for breakfast?"

"Why not?"

"I baked a lot so we can share some to the others."

"Even Jungkook?" You question. He furrows his eyebrows without looking at you.

"Well...yeah. He's done a lot for us anyways. I mean, for you." He replies.

"You know...I still don't know why the two of you fought that night..."

"Yeah! Let's not talk about that. We gotta fix these up." He quickly changes the topic, but you got distracted as well.

After packing the brownies in containers you had available, you and Taehyung headed out to work.


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