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You were in Jungkook's car, and surprisingly, the ride wasn't silent. It was fun even, both of you were talking about random things and laughing at occasionaly funny things.

You lowkey didn't want the ride to stop so soon, but unfortunately your house is just walking distance and it would soon end.

"Hey, uh do you want to maybe...have dinner with me?" Jungkook says. He panicks, realizing what he said.

"I mean, i-if it's o-okay with y-you. Unless y-you're busy and you have to do something else?" Jungkook babbled, which causes you to laugh a bit. He was nervous because the words just suddenly came out of his mouth. He didn't even think much about it and know it sounds like he's asking you out on a date.

He isn't particularly a smooth guy.

"Actually, I am pretty hungry...."

Jungkook was actually glad to hear your response, meaning he could spend more time with you.

"Ah, okay. Do you wanna eat somewhere particular?"

You shake your head because you have nothing in mind right now. "No. You can choose."

Jungkook smiles as an idea comes in his head. "Okay, I'll just take a detour and take us there."


The waze on his phone tell him to take a left to your supposed destination, but he took a right instead.

"Make a u-turn." The waze says.

"Ay, shut up we're not going there anymore." Jungkook says jokingly.

You almost snort at his playfulness as he tries to shut up the waze who won't actually shut up.

"Should I shut it up?" You ask with a smirk.

"Yeah." He chuckles when you played along.


Jungkook took you to a Persian looking restaurant. It was actually really pretty, it was nighttime so different kinds of lights illuminated the place.

It wasn't a secluded place, and there were short tables on the ground, and carpets on the below the tables along with pillows where customers would sit down. It looked like a place where Princess Jasmine would eat.

Not a lot of people were here today. Soft music was playing as you walk to the front desk, where a waitress was escorting you to a smaller table for two.

Everything was nice and calm, and you really liked the place. Looking around, you could see a few teenage girls in the corner giggling, an old couple on the other side, and a few other middle aged people.

What caught your attention though, was a couple around your age. The girl was very pretty, but you feel as if you knew her. The boy wasn't facing you, so you could only see his back. He was wearing a cap too. You didn't give them much attention, and instead faced the man in front of you and gave him a smile.

"You've been here before?" You ask Jungkook.

"Ah, yeah. A few times. With some of my other friends."


All your life, you were practically alone, fending off on your own because your parents died when you were young. You weren't able to continue school, and you were lucky enough that your teachers helped you pay for the house. You didn't have any friends, it was because even when you were little, you were more of an introvert.

Now that you think about it, there were plenty of times when you were lucky, when you were able to pick up random bills on the floor, or when some guy felt pity on you and gave you food because you were alone in the convienence store. Maybe Taehyung was there all along? He just didn't feel like showing himself just yet?

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