...And Danger

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Finally, your shift at the coffee shop was done and you now heading home after a tiring day at work. Walking home was eerily quiet and tense, which was so unlike Teahyung despite only knowing him the other day.

Huh, the other day. Overnight. That's how fast your life was changed. Despite knowing Taehyung for a short amount of time, you felt really close to him. You can't help but like him already because he's got a really likeable personality, he's fun and sweet. He smiles a lot, and that's what you like about him.

You look at him as the both of you walk down the road. He has an obvious frown on his face, as if he's thinking deeply about something.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?"

At the back of Taehyung's mind, the threat that the demon gave him about you kept replaying on his mind. He's been watching you ever since you were a child and he undoubtly loves you. Like anyone else, he's afraid that his loved one might get hurt. But he's not gonna allow that.

Taehyung looks at you while putting a small smile on his face to reassure you. "I'm fine Y/N."

You look at him skeptically, but shrug it off. "Okay. If you say so."

After walking again in silence, he questions you that kind of put you off guard.

"What do you think about Jungkook?"

Nearly tripping on your feet, you try to hide your flustered state. You clear your throat before asking, "And why are you asking that?"

"Just answer the question, Y/N. Please?"

He pleaded which kind of surprised you, but you just let it pass. It's probably because of him being an angel that he has good manners.

"Well...He's very handsome." You state, which causes Taehyung to raise an eyebrow at you.

"No! Not in that way. It's just...I find him attractive okay? I mean who wouldn't? He's really kind too, and he's fun to be with."

You trail off, and Taehyung leaves you wondering why he would ask such things.

"Do you...wanna eat out? Before we head home?" Taehyung suggests.

"Sure!" You say, but hurriedly check your pockets if you have any money. Finding none, you frown and inform Taehyung.

"But I have no money." He grins cheekily and holds up his wallet that looks awfully familiar...you just can't put your finger on where you first saw it.

"It's okay. It's on me!"


Taehyung orders some food while you sit on a chair inside. You wait patiently, looking around the place. The television on the top corner of the room catches your attention. It was the news.

You hear the news reporter say, "Breaking news! A video goes viral on youtube which was caught on a car's rear view camera. In the video, what people call an angel saves an unidentified girl from a car crash. Watch the video here."

You blood runs cold. Holy shiz. I just went viral.

In the video, you see the familiar street you were on a day ago with you, or more like your back facing the camera. It shows your hair from the back and it's seen that you were frozen, right in front of the fast incoming truck. Seconds before the crash could even happen, a bright light(also known as Taehyung) appears out of nowhere, and you could vaguely see the white wings folding in to protect you from the crash.

As fast as the light appears, it dissapears again, just in time to avoid the truck.

The reporter comes back in the screen, stating that, "Local police are still trying to find out who this girl is, but as of now, nobody knows where this said angel is, or where the girl is right now. Back to you..."

You paid no more attention to whatever the reporter said after that, as Taehyung comes in your view holding a plastic bag of what you assumed was your food.

"Let's get out of here Y/N." He says and with no hesitation, you stood up from your chair as the both of you exit the food place.

Back in the house, you run a hand through your hair in frustration as you pace back and forth in the room.

"Y/N, just chill a bit." Taehyung says. He was sitting on the armrest of the couch, arms folded over his chest. He seemed a bit tense too, but you knew he was trying his best to calm you down.

You huff out a breath and stop walking. "Okay...they won't know who I am...right?"

Taehyung looks at the floor, thinking hard. "With the security cameras everywhere, you have at least a week before they figure out who, where you are."

You puff out your cheeks and sigh.

"But you don't have to worry about the cops Y/N. They'll probably just question you about me."

"But what will I say?"

"Hmmmm...I don't know yet."

"Oh..." You say.

Taehyung knows the risk of leaving you here, but if he doesn't then you might get into bigger trouble with the police. You definitely aren't allowed to tell them about the angels, and right now he doesn't know what you should say. He needs a bit of help.

Maybe a few days staying here won't be so bad....

"Let's not talk about it anymore. We can worry another time." You hear Taehyung say. "C'mon let's eat."

You oblige to the suggestion, and both of you sit down and eat dinner.


Somewhere in a dark alley, two people, or so it may seem, were having a conversation.

"Sir, when are we gonna make a move? They seem pretty oblivious right now."

The said sir looked up to the man talking from his chair, which sent chills up the spine of the latter man. No matter how many times he would speak with this guy, he would never fail to feel inferior.

"You think he'll let his guard guard when I've only just provoked him? No. Let them wait until they're oblivious, then we'll attack when they least expect it. Besides, it will be more fun that way."

A menacing smile crept up his lips, and an evil laugh escaped.

He sniffs the air and exhales in satisfaction. "I can already smell her sweet blood, I can't wait..."

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