Healing with feelings

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Jungkook doesn't know how to react with all that's happened, he was relieved that everything was over, but when you fell on the ground, he was unfortunately reminded that you were wounded.

You were currently on the ground, and he forget all his pains as he forced himself to stand up and go to you.

"Y/N, please please stay with me." He says, as he cups your cheeks. He looks at your wound, and he noticed that you were losing too much blood. He needed to act fast, so he took his jacket off and wrapped it around your waist as tight as he could. He applied pressure on your wound, and he was praying that you wouldn't leave him.

He needed to treat you, but he didn't know where the medical stuff is in your house. But if he brought you to his house, he would be able to treat you better.

He huffed in frustration, and gathered up all his strength to carry you bridal style. He was succesful, and he carried you to his car, rushing but trying his best not to move your body too much to prevent more blood loss.

Once he was out of your house, he placed you carefully on the front seat and he ran to his side and started the engine. He then drove as fast as he could to his house.


You flutter your eyes open, and your head was throbbing. You groan and clutch your head, as you try to sit down, only to groan in pain once more.

The events of last night came rushing in your head, and you glance down on your stomach. Lifting the shirt you were wearing, you see a huge white patch on your right side, covering the wound.

You were alright. You felt sore, but you were alright and alive. You look around and try your best to adjust to the lightning. Beige walls, white ceiling, large window at your left side, with its dark curtains open and tied at both sides. The room was almost twice as big as your room at home, and it was cozier and definetely prettier. But where were you? And where's Jungkook?

Just when you were wondering where Jungkook was, you noticed a white door near your right side. From it came faint and soft sounds of running water, probably coming from a shower.

You whip your head to the right corner of the room when you hear the door open, and you freeze in anticipation. Please not be the creatures from last night. Please, please, please.

To your relief, in came not a man, but rather an old, kind looking woman, pushing a silver cart with silver circular trays on it, sort of like a hotel service.

She hasn't seen you yet, and when she closes the door and turns around, she gasps and says, "Oh! You're finally awake!"

She says with excitement, and she pushes the cart closer to you. "My boy Jungkook has been worried sick, he didn't even clean up after himself until and I quote, 'I need to see her awake before I take care of myself.' "

She gives you a warm smile, and she opens the cover from the circular tray, revealing the most hearty breakfast you've ever seen.

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