Hurt pt.2

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Jungkook did a good job comforting you in the few minutes of driving, until he stopped in front of your house.

You take off your seatbelt, and you remember that you had cake left in the refrigerator, something Taehyung somehow ordered somewhere and was eating it as a midnight snack. So, you decide to give some to Jungkook as a thank you for today.

"Jungkook, wait for me okay? I'll give you something." He looks at you and nods with a smile.

You rush and open the door to your house, and go straight to the kitchen without taking your shoes off.

Without the lights on, you couldn't really see much, but you've been living here all your life, so you memorize where everything is.

The yellow light from the refrigerator shines on your face as you open it, and you spot the cake. "Aha." You say.

You quickly put it in a container that you don't mind giving away, and just when you were about to cover the container, you nearly shout out in shock when you hear ruffles from outside your window. The bushes swayed in the silence of the night.

Didn't you close the window before you left today? You wondered. You made a mental note to close it later once you gave the cake to Jungkook.

You rush outside one more time, and you see Jungkook leaning against his car. Damn, he's so good looking. Nope, shut it.

You gulp at the sight in front of you and once he sees you, he gives you a smile again. "What's that?" He asks, pertaining to the container you were holding.

"Cake! It isn't so old yet so it would still taste pretty's to say thank you...for today."

"Ah, you don't have to you know...but thanks."

You hand him the cake, and he places it inside the car through the open window.

He isn't leaving yet?

"It's no problem actually...I can give you a ride anytime." He smiles and you thank him again.

He still isn't leaving...but not that you were complaining. He was only staring at you and you were staring back.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asks, and you nearly choke on air. The fricking Jeon Jungkook is asking for your phone number?

"Ah, yeah ahahah sure sure." You stutter and laugh a bit because for some reason, you were nervous. Exchanging numbers, he looks at you again.

"If you need anything, or if you want to talk to someone...just give me a call. Okay?"

You nod and bite your lip, trying your best not to smile like a maniac. "Okay, thanks again."

"No problem." He gives you a hug, and you hug him back, unknowingly causing the both of you to feel butterflies in the stomach.

You pull away, it's getting pretty late and you don't want him to drive too late and be exhausted because of you.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Y/N." He says, and you say the same as you wave at him and he waves back.

He walks to the side of the driver's seat and opens the door when you walk to your front door.

You face him, and see that he was watching you until you would go inside. You wave again, and smile as he does the same.

When you close the door, Jungkook closes his fist and mumbles, "Yes!" As he almost jumps up and down in the feeling of victory. How can he not be happy? He just spent the whole day with his crush and was able to get your number without stuttering or making a fool out of himself.

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