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You walk into the deserted, vintage feel bar. It was rather early for a drink, that's why nobody but a few people and some minors were there.

You look around for Jisoo, uknowingly fidgeting with your huge hoodie and sniffing it as subtle as possible. It smelled really good.

"Jisoo??" You say. "Where is she?"

"HeEy!! Hatdawg, hatdawg, hawtdiggidy daaaaaaaaaaoggg!" A loud sound came from somewhere near the corner, and both you and Jungkook turn your heads to the side.

"Found her." Jungkook says, and you sigh at how sad Jisoo looks.

You walk towards your good friend, and you held in your tears as you observe how she looked.

What she was wearing was very pretty, a short, yellow dress paired with sandals and a few accessories here and there.

Judging by her look, she was probably going on a date. You wanted to smack the head of her boyfriend and give him a good scolding. How could you cheat on such a sweet, lovely girl such as Jisoo?

"Hey, hey hey Jisoo. We're here now."

You sat beside the wide leather couch, and you see the empty glasses of beer in front of you.

One...two....three...You counted at least 6 in total, and those beer glasses are pretty huge.

You wrap your arms around Jisoo in a tight hug from the side, but she faces her body to you and gives you all her weight.

"Y/N...I–I'm so sorry..."

"Huh?" You ask. "For what?"

" broke up with your boyfriend, I don't think I was there for you enough. I mean, I guess now that I know how you feel, with you here and all....I'm so sorry."

"Nooo. No no don't feel bad about that Jisoo. If its anything, I should be the one to say sorry. Because I didn't appreciate you as much as I should have. You, Joy and Jungkook are all I have....and you guys are always there for me."

"Awwwwww, Y/N I promise you we'll be here for each other right?"

"Yes, yeah...You'll be alright. Okay? He doesn't deserve you, heck, this world doesn't deserve a sweet girl like you. It's his loss really."

You give her another huge bear hug, and she sniffs while you try so hard to hold back your tears.

...All the while Jungkook was awkwardly standing behind you two, not knowing what to do.

When Jisoo finally notices her boss, she suddenly pulls away from the hug and straightens up. She wipes away her tears and you look at her strangely.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean for you to see me in this state." Jisoo apologizes, and Jungkook shakes his head.

"Nahhh. It's okay. How are you feeling?"

"Uhh..could be better. But I guess I'm okay now." Jisoo replies.

"Would cookies make you feel better?" Jungkook takes out a ziploc bag of baked cookies from his jacket, and hands it over to Jisoo.

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