Up in Heaven

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While all the chaos is happening down on Earth, Taehyung is waiting as patiently as he could for his turn to meet the Father.

Yes, with what he needed to do, he needed His help and guidance. Plus, the reason he came here was actually because He noticed that Taehyung was gone for quite a while.

Despite the plently angels up in Heaven, He never failed to sense things and events like this, because...well He's God and He's good and almighty.

It's been at least an hour and thirty minutes of him waiting outside the Holy place, because apparently, He was busy with other things that he has to do with His Son.

Taehyung hoped you were okay, and he hoped that the demons wouldn't bother you while he was gone. It was a huge risk, leaving you alone, but he needed to do this really, for your safety.

What should be doing here you may ask?

Thanfully, the police aren't really paying much attention to the video that went viral....that time when Taehyung saved Y/N from the car crash.

Second, Taehyung needs help with the demons, he wants to be safe and get as much help as he can.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?"

Taehyung glances up to see an old angel, smiling down at him that's seated on a chair outside the palace. Unlike olden kings and queens of royalty, anyone can come in the premises, and none of the things inside the palace are grand or expensive.

"Ah! I was...." Taehyung replied as he stood up to be respectful to the elder angel. "I'm going to talk to Father."

"Oh!" Replies the angel, understanding that Father was the Almighty One, and if Taehyung had business with Him then the angel has no right to ask about it.

"Alright. I'm just here because I wanted to ask Father if I could be a guardian of a different human. Ha! That human is incredibly obnoxious, and even if I try to lead him to whatever path I'd like him to take, he does nothing but do the exact opposite.

Taehyung "ah's" in understanding and puffs his cheeks, thinking of something to say.

"Mm. I hope your request is approved." He smiles, as the old angel smiles back.

The door of the palace opens wide, startling the two angels. "Taehyung!" A younger girl whisper-shouts. "You can come in now."

After Taehyung and the old man says their goodbyes to each other, Taehyung proceeds inside.

No matter how many times Taehyung comes or how simple this palace is, he is never failed to be amazed by such beauty it beholds.

Marbled floors and opened ceilings, the white and pure colors were not blinding, but rather calming to the eyes. The round floor encircled by tall walls with spaces in between, each leading to different parts of this paradise. Green, lush trees could be seen in each corner, and a small fountain in the center of the room.

This was the best place to be in if you missed the Earth, taking pride in the wonderful creations of God. Of course, outside the paradise, some color could be seen too, but most of the place was white, symbolizing purity and cleanliness. Most of the things you could see were clouds, and soft floors, because all angels could fly and glide along the soft clouds.

You could imagine the elfen world in The Lord of the Rings to be like this palace. Heavenly, serene and very calmly. Taehyung thinks, as he makes his way around the small fountain, and deeper into the paradise.

Waterfalls and more trees around Taehyung as he walks, he finally reaches where he wanted to be.

The long table with endless food to feed thousands gives Taehyung a nostalgic moment. It has been a long time since he last saw this place.

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