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A/N: Long chapter ahead


"As most of you know, the soul lives forever, and the body is only temporary. When a body dies, the soul is either sent to Heaven or Hell, depending on the weight of the good or bad things they've done in their life."

Quiet murmurs are heard from the crowd, everyone agreeing to the said statement. All angels who have been in Heaven for a long time knew this, but He would always hold events like this for the new ones that just recently entered Heaven.

"When a body is sent to Heaven, the soul has a decision to be reborn but forget everything that has happened in his or her past life or, to remain an angel forever and be assigned to be a guardian angel of a chosen human. If the soul goes to Hell, he or she stays a demon, forever burning in the depths of everlasting fire as a punishment for the deeds he or she has done during their life."

"We do not have to dwell in the rules of Hell, but I do have to tell you that there are many demons that stray on Earth. Here in Heaven, we have a few rules."

The man standing in front of the crowd turns around and takes out a scroll from his bag. He opens it, clears his throat and continues reading.

"Rule #1 : An angel has the job to take care of the human, but only to an extent.  However, considerations may be possible. Some common considerations include,

-When the child is young, the angel is allowed to save the child from tripping or getting hurt, because a child's memory is still weak.

-When making decisions, guide them to the right direction, but ultimately, the final decision must be made by the human. This is where the gift of intellect and free will come into play..."

A few more rules were said, and everyone listened attentively , whether a new angel or not.

"....All guidance must be done while invisible, you can only show yourself to the human if absolutely possible, especially when grave danger arises.


But even then, the angel is not allowed to stay with the human too long."

Someone from the crowd raises their hand, doing so as if he was in a classroom.

"Yes?" The head angel asks.

"Sir, why aren't we allowed to stay with the human too long? And if we do so, are there any consequences?"

A silence falls, and the head angel smiles sweetly to the angel asking. "That's actually a good question." He says and scratches his head before continuing.

"This...must be done to avoid the angel feeling too attached to the human. When this happens, and let's say...they fall in love, and....a newborn is produced, well....we all know that demons love our blood and would do anything to break the pact we have with them. Which is to avoid any war, they aren't allowed to kill anyone of us. But, knowing their nature, most of them will likely break this rule. So, it's our duty to keep everyone away from harm as much as possible."

"Since angels know how to defend themselves, half-angels are easier to prey on. To prevent them from getting hurt, they aren't be born."

While everyone else was busy talking to one another in hushed tones, the head angel looks at a certain someone, and that certain someone only looks down in embarrasment.

"For the consequences, He Himself chooses what would happen to the angel. For now, that's all I know."

"Alright, that's it for today! Thank you and happy guiding." The head angel steps down the stairs and goes off to do his own thing.

Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now