Why him?

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After lunch time, you and Taehyung decided to watch movies and chill at home. Popcorn in front,  Taehyung right beside you, you never felt any better.

After knowing what happened to your parents, you felt a pang of pain everytime you think about them. Your chest hurt at the thought of them, losing their lives to some demons. These creatures are now your sworn enemies, and you will do anything in your power to stop them from inflicting any pain or harm if you see them in action. Although you knew you had no experience in fighting, you thought it was best if you would use the guns in case.

Speaking of, the guns reminded you of Jungkook, since the other one was with him. You wondered how he was doing, and who he's with at that. Not that it mattered really....

Taehyung puts an arm over your shoulder, and you realize the close proximity between you two. It's just a friendly action, right? Why am I blushing then? You think to yourself.

The movie started, and you focus on the main character's swift and technical moves. She was fighting off a crowd, her versus at least 12 people, and yet in the end she won. You womdered how much training she had to go through to be that good, and for some reason you wanted to know how to defend yourself, and maybe be as cool as her.

"Taehyung..." You call. "I haven't shown you the guns, have I?"

He looks at you in curiousity. "Guns?" He says.

You stand up from your position, motioning him to follow you to your room. You take out a familiar looking box, open it and show him.

"No way....are these....your father's guns?"

"...Yeah! How did you know?"

"Actually, me and your dad are quite close. Since he loved armory and all that, your mom's gift to him on his birthday were these. Those guns are really special, crafted by angels up in Heaven."

He inspects the gun and furrows his eyebrows. "Where's the other one?"

"Ahhhh...It's with Jungkook."

"Jungko—wait, why him?"

"Pfffft. What do you mean why him?" You say, raising your eyebrows a bit at the expression he was giving you.

"Ah..." He says, trying to think of a way to change the subject. "Ha, I don't mean anything. That's because he was with you during the attack, right?"

"Well, yeah. Just in case he needed to protect himself."

"Right...Was mine the one you gave to him?"

"What do you mean?"

Taehyung takes the gun, inspects the side, and then frowns. "Ah, these are the initials of your father."

You check to see if he was right, and thunking about it now, the initials on the other gun must be....

"The other gun was yours!?"

"Yeah? Why are you so surprised?" He asks.

"It's because when me and Jungkook found these guns, we couldn't figure out who's initials those were..."

"You can't tell him, all right? That will blow my cover."


You're startled when your phone rings, causing you to flinch and pick up the phone.

Damn, you think. Speaking of...

"Hey Jungkook!" You say, a smile forming on your face.

For Taehyung, he felt his face going hot with....anger? Jealousy? What could it be that he needed from you this time?

"Hey Y/N! Sorry to bother you....but I was thinking maybe you could join me for dinner tonight? I've got nothing to do...I'm kinda bored."

You laugh at how cute he sounded, replying with a, "Sure! But....do you mind if maybe Taehyung could come along? "

Taehyung's eyes widen, no way in heck is he gonna join Jungkook during dinner. But...part of him also didn't want to leave you alone with him...

He sighs, leaving himself with no choice.

For Jungkook, he did actually mind. He wanted just the two of you, having a peaceful dinner. But of course, he can't decline the suggestion. He sighs as softly as possible, and continues. "Of course! The more the merrier."

Huh, how fake. Jungkook chuckles to himself.

"All right! Where?" After giving you the location, you ended the call and told Taehyung to get ready.

"But—we haven't even finished one movie?" He complains, pouting his lips.

You coo at his cuteness, pinching his cheeks and shaking your head. "Don't be such a baby. We can do that another time."

"But it's still early?"

You check the time, look back at Taehyung's pouting face and sigh in defeat. "Alright. One movie."

"Yes!" He shouts, raising both his arms and running to the living room. He sits on the carpet right behind the coffee table. He pats the ground beside him, urging you to hurry up and sit.

You roll your eyes playfully and hurriedly sit beside him. "You're such a baby." You say, with a huge smile on your face.

"Yeah...I'm your baby."

"HahAhahAhah" You nervously laugh, slapping his arm as you feel your cheeks go hot.

The next two hours or so, you realize Jungkook's invitation and start to get ready.

You and Taehyung head out, both feeling pretty hungry already.



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