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"I have an idea of what you could wear!" Jisoo exclaims, coming from beside you at the back seats of the cab.

You nod your head, not bothering to ask for more details since you planned on leaving all the fashion to her.

"Taehyung," Jisoo calls, making him turn his head from the front seat. You almost choke, you felt as if you were seeing him again for the first time. In awe of his visuals, he was more than humanly gorgeous. Well, he wasn't technically human, but still.

Maybe it was just you, but Jisoo suddenly looked nervous, gulping a bit in intimidation.

"Ahmm..have you ever gone bar hopping before?" She wonders.

Taehyung chuckles, and it was as if he was thinkinh of something deep. "Yes, I have. But that was a long time ago."

"Ahhh..." Jisoo replies, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh and," Taehyung continues. "I don't like anything bitter. So if I'm going, probably I'll just be there to be the sober one and take care of you guys."

"Really?" Jisoo says in shock. "No way! You should drink. Even just a little bit!"

"Nah, no thanks."

You arrived in front of your house, and you paid the driver before the cab went away. "Alright, I'll pack up some clothes as fast as I can so we can go. Make yourself comfortable!"

You rush to your room, taking a bag from your drawers and packing pajamas and possible clothes you could wear.

"Knock, knock." Taehyung peaks from behind the door, and you smile at him as he slightly enters.

"Yeah, yeah come in." You invite him, and he throws himself unto the bed.

He sighs in contentment of the feeling of the soft bed, and you laugh at his cuteness.

"Are you nervous?" He asks. When you look at him, he's positioned with his right hand supporting his head while his long legs were stretched. You try to hold in your laugh, he looked like one of those french girls in paintings.

"You mean I'm nervous because we're going bar hopping?"


"Well..." You think, were you? "No. Not really. I mean, I have you and the others so there's nothing to be worried about."

He felt contented, at least he knew that you trusted him. "Good." He says. "The first time I went, I was very nervous. I didn't know what would happen."

"Really? When was that?"

"Hmmmm...when I was still alive. And I didn't know your mother yet."


"It was crazy. And there were so many girls. I didn't like that much attention." He says, and you raise your eyebrows. He sits down properly, taking a pillow and placing it on his lap.

"Well, why are you even surprised? Of course all the girls will go to you."

You zipped your first bag, getting a smaller one from your closet.

"I mean, you're really handsome. You're like a...a magnet. Girls will always be attracted to you." You smile, without looking at him. "You should be used to it by now."

Taehyung couldn't suppress his smile, he was beyond happy hearing that from you. It was the first compliment he recieved from his favorite girl.

"So...." He says, standing up. "You just called me handsome."

You froze, and at that moment, you realized that what you just said was indeed a compliment to him. You didn't even think much about it because it was very true.

"Ahhmm.." You mumble, panicking in the inside as you fumble with the things you attempt to put in the bag.

Taehyung walks closer to you while you move farther from him as possible. He's in front of you now, staring at you while he smirks. He knows he made you nervous, and he's taking advantage of it.

"Hey..." You stutter, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Am I handsome?" Taehyung asks, and you place your back on the wall. "Yeah, I told you already." You say.

"And, you said all girls are attracted to me. You're a girl. Do you count?"

What the heck am I going to say? You tell yourself. You were baffled at how Taehyung was behaving as of now, you've never seen this side of him. He was confident, and you were very nervous.

After a few moments of just staring at each other, Taehyung laughs and pinches your cheeks. "I'm messing with you!" He says, moving back and back to the bed.

You stand there does he act all confident and then acts cute after a second? His duality is out of this world.

"....Okay..." You take a huge step over the bag you accidentally lost hold of, and head back to pack.

Your heart was still thumping against your chest, and you try your best to calm down to no avail.

After finishing, you slung your bag over your shoulder and went out to where Jisoo was. "Jisoo! I'm done. We can go now."

"Yay!" She exclaims, standing up from the couch.

"Hold on though...Taehyung, are you sure you're okay here alone?" You face Taehyung, who was standing near the bedroom door.

"Yep! I'm okay. But I'll accompany you girls first then I'll come back here."

"Sorry Tae." Jisoo says. "My parents will get mad if you stay over, you're a guy sooo..."

"I know. No biggie though it's alright."

You, Jisoo and Taehyung headed to Jisoo's home, and upon arriving at your destination, you bid Taehyung goodnight.

You walk into Jisoo's house, and you remember how it looked like from the last time you were here.

"Oh, is your sister here?" You ask, and just when you did, you and Jisoo turn your heads to the direction of a loud noise.

"What was that?" You ask. It sounded like something heavy falling on the ground, and Jisoo looks at you in worry.

From behind an open door, Jisoo's little sister storms out, a frown plastered on her sweet face.

"Why is she like that?" She shouts, walking with her head hung low. But when she realizes that two other people were standing in front of her, her eyes widen in shock. "Ahhh...Jisoo?" She says shakingly. "Y/N?"

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asks, and she walks closer to the younger girl.

She sniffs, eyebrows furrowed as she looks up at Jisoo with teary eyes. "You know about Amanda right? Well...I opened up to her about how I feel about our friendship, how I no longer felt important or happy when I'm with her because of how she treats me..."

She discontinues her sentence, sobbing loud causing Jisoo to embrace her little sister.

To you, seeing Jisoo comforting her sister made you want to feel the same love. You never had someone to embrace you when you felt down, all the time just facing the problems on your own. You wish you had someone to run to when you felt hopeless, but you never did.

You felt a tear fall down your face, and you had to look away from the siblings. For a while, the two of them had a long conversation while you waited, thinking of your own hardships in life.

You wished living could be easier.


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