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You wake up to the sun shining on your face, and you stand up to close the curtains before floping yourself face first on the bed.

You stretch a bit, before realizing that Taehyung wasn't beside you anymore.
As usual, Taehyung must be in the kitchen. You wash up before checking up on him.

Sensing your presence, Taehyung doesn't even look behind him when asking, "You don't have work today right? What do you wanna do?"

Startled a bit by his first question of the day, the pause for moment, thinking.
"Nah, how about we do what you wanna do?"


"Seriously, out of all the things you chose to do, this?"

He only grins and shakes his head before continuing on checking the clothes hung on the racks.

You were carrying a load of clothes, accompanying Taehyung while he tries on some outfits. Of all the shops he could choose, he chose the most expensive, sophisticated shop. Gucci.

He said he wanted to shop for some clothes but you didn't know he wanted Gucci. Earlier, when Taehyung led you to the shop, you literaly almost ran away from him. Nuh-uh, you weren't even planning on stepping one foot in that shop. It was just too much. What's the difference of getting clothes from the department store? They're all clothes anyways, all the same purpose. But you guess not everyone is as broke or had the same mindset as you.

"Why are you shopping though?"

"Huh?" Taehyung asks.

"Didn't you change clothes on your own when we first met?" Tracing back a few days ago, you remember him changing from an all white outfit to a darker one, and along with that a black and white checkered coat, without actually taking of his clothes.

Because of that, you assumed he knew how to transform into different kinds of clothes. You don't know how he does it, you supposed it was an advantage of being an angel. Then why was he shopping?

"Ah, that." Taehyung replies, still looking at the clothes, probably choosing which to try on first.

"Well, first off, shopping is fun. Second, that first outfit, and the second one? Those are the only clothes I have."

You blink, still confused on how the angel can transform into two different sets of clothes and yet has to shop for more. You dismiss the topic, thinking if he explains anything further it would just give you a headache, and another thing to think about all the time.

"Okay, I'll try these me." He grins, not even waiting for your response before he nearly sprints to the dressing room, leaving you chasing after him all the while hugging other clothes.

A few moments of waiting later, Taehyung comes out with his first outfit. He was leaving you breathless as he comes out, effortlessly walking but still looking like, yet again, a model that can end all other model careers.

You stutter a lot trying your best to form at least one sentence. "Tae-Taehyung, c-can you, uh, I dunno, try something else? Something that wouldn't scream so much Gucci and not have us robbed at night?"  

With furrowed eyebrows and a nervous tone, you ask Taehyung as he only stares at you before realizing what you meant before laughing.

"Okay, okay." He says before retreating back to the dressing room to try some other clothes.

Countless outfits and bored waiting passed until finally, he was finished with trying on the clothes he liked.

In between some fitting, he was kind enough to ask you if you took interest in trying own your own clothes, but you declined everytime because you didn't really fancy expensive clothing. You would much prefer plain hoodies and jeans.

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