Bruises and Pain

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You ran and ran.

Tears flowing down your face, you headed straight home. You didn't know why, but you needed to get away from the church as fast as possible.

Just as you past by the bar you spent the night in, your blurry sight and the dark night didn't let you see a man in front of you.

You clashed with his body, sending the two of you on the ground in a painful manner.

You were numb to the pain however, and the man was on top of you after rolling on the floor a couple of times.

"Y/N?" He calls, and you recognize his voice.

It was Jungkook.

He noticed you crying, and by now you couldn't move due to the pain you were feeling inside.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" He asks, and you only shake your head.

You sob loudly, as Jungkook sits up and hugs your small figure in his arms.

For a while, the two of you stayed on the floor, him trying to comfort you.

It helped...a little bit. You were glad you bumped into him.

"C'mon, let's take you home."

Jungkook leads you to his car, and soon the two of you were driving to your home. The whole car ride, you were only crying, looking out the window as you do.

Jungkook was worried than ever, wondering why you were crying so much and why....Taehyung wasn't with you.

He had a scary feeling and intuition that this had something to do with Taehyung.

You finally arrive home, and you couldn't feel any part of your body. You felt so weak, your system unable to answer to what your brain was telling your body to do.

Jungkook took no time to ask you to stand, so he carried you into your own house.

He placed you on the couch, and he went into your room to take something. He came back out, a blanket in his hands as he walks to you.

He places you on the floor, rolling you like a burrito in the blanket, then placing you again on the couch.

You didn't say or do anything, letting him do whatever he wanted to do. And you appreciated his actions.

He went to your kitchen, opening the cupboards and finding cup noodles. He cooks it, the silence quite comforting for you actually.

You were able to calm down a bit, your sobs quieting.

As he finished your noodles, he sits down beside you to feed you some. He blows on the noodles, making sure it wasn't hot. You gladly open your mouth, chewing it slowly.

"Thank you..." You whisper, making him smile.

But that smile dies down when he sees your state, and the blanket he curled you in was turning blood red.

He widens his eyes in shock, placing down the cup on the table while he runs to the washroom. He takes the first aid kit, running back to you again and unwrapping you out of the blanket.

"What!? What happened?"

Funny how he didn't notice earlier, your body was covered in so much blood that he was afraid to touch you.

You look at him, trying not to cry yet again. "Taehyung—he...the demons attacked us again. And he's—he—"

You break down once again, and Jungkook looks at you in pity. It was hard watching you like this.

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