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"You're mother...she was an angel before me."

"Wait...what?" You say, your brain trying to process the information at full capacity.

"What do you mean?" You ask, your body fully facing Taehyung, showing that your full attention was on him.

He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, then looks back at the distance before chuckling.

"She was my guardian angel....and my best friend."

"You actually resemble her a lot." He says, finally looking at you. "You remind me of her."

"Like what I did for you, she saved me from a near car crash. That's when we first met. From then on, she kept visiting me everyday, telling me more and more about herself. One day, we went to a restaurant, where she met your father. From that day, they started seeing each other and all that, until eventually, they started living together. Of course, all of this was okay with me but..." He stops, sorrow evident in his eyes.

"She was forgetting about the rule that, no angel was supposed to bond with a human for too long, to avoid certain....situations."

"It wasn't completely NOT allowed, that's why there are plenty of half-angel half-humans wandering around earth. But more than half don't actually know they are." He says and stares at you. "Including you."

"......" You blink at Taehyung, it's still not sinking in. You slowly laugh, feeling as if you were going crazy.

"I...wait....huh?" Was all you could muster out.

"It's okay. I kinda expected a reaction like this. Just take your time."

"....But wait....would that explain the creatures that attacked me and Jungkook...? They attacked me because they knew I was a..." You gulp, trying to say the word. "...half-angel?"

"Well...yeah. Those creatures are what you know as demons, who feed on our sweet blood. They target the half-angels because your kind is easier to attack, since most of you are unaware and vulnerable." He informs you.

" when they attacked at home...they were only targeting me?" You ask, feeling a bit guilty at how you dragged Jungkook to harm.

"Well...we'll never know for sure. He might be like you." The possibility of that made you laugh again, you felt as if your mind was going haywire.

This only proves how you knew nothing about the world, and how everyone else was oblivious of the fact that there was a threat to the earth, known as the demons.

Now you kind of wondered that maybe aliens, vampires and other mythical creatures may actually exist. When you actually think about it, where would humans get the idea of all these creatures? Myths are indeed twisted, changed stories that come from reality.

The epiphany made you shiver, causing you to place your hands and rub your arms.

"....How...did my parents die?" You ask hesitantly, but your curiosity led you to ask such.

Taehyung looks at you, trying to see if it was okay for him to tell you of that story, seeing you might have been too mindblown for anymore information.

He decided to tell you anyways, since he knew there was no valid reason as to why you shouldn't know of your parents' death. "Actually, before they did.....I died first."

Taehyung hungs his head low, and you open your eyes in shock. "We were walking home from eating, I think—me and your mom. When suddenly she recieves a call from your father. It was late at night, and she stopped to have a long conversation with your father about something, I don't know....I can't remember. Anyways, after waiting for a long time, we headed towards home until....she sensed something wrong. But it was too late, we were ambushed by the demons."

You didn't know what to say, your initial reaction is to place your hand on Taehyung's shoulder as a sign of comfort and support.

"That's when I died, though I remember your mom telling me that it wasn't my time yet. She was crying a lot, probably because she felt guilty for not protecting me as she should have. I never blamed her for my death. And I was never afraid of death since she came into my life. But after I died, I thought I was gonna see her again, since I was an angel and it would be easy. But no, Heaven had its rules, and your mother was banned from entering."

It was your turn to feel sorrow, you couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for your mother. You couldn't imagine how hurt she must have been to be banned from her home.

"I promised her...that if she ever had a child, I would be the guardian angel."

Taehyung faces you now, and it qas evident he was crying. At that moment, you notices how beautiful he actually is. His eyes, his hair as soft as the clouds....his beauty was ethereal, making you wonder how on earth a creature as beautiful as him could be associated with you.

You felt very honored and glad that he gave your mother that promise, that he would take care of you for the rest of your life. You owed him big.

"A few years later, when I was finally getting used to my new life, I recieved the news that your mother gave birth. And I was so happy for her."

"But...things went badly after a few more years. Your mother and your father were being ambushed. Those demons raided your house, killed both of them. But I managed to help you escape back then. You didn't know what was happening."

"From then on, it was just you. At least, that's what you thought. But I was there. A lot of times, the demons tried to get to you. Almost every week, I'd fend them off the premises of your house." Taehyung ends his story, and now you realized something.

That Taehyung has always been there, always helping you when you thought you were alone. All throughout your life, he was there to support you, help you go to school even for just a few years, and eventually get a job. Without him, you probably would have died—either from starvation or from the demons.

You were on the verge of tears, and just as they came flowing down your face, you pulled Taehyung into a tight hug, breaking down into his arms. You felt grateful, beyond grateful for everything he's done. And you felt stupidand guilty that you only realized it now.

"Taehyung...." You say through sobs. "Thank you, so so much. You've been with me forever, and if it weren't for you I'm probably dead already."

Taehyung giggles and pulls awat from the hug, cupping your face with both his hands. "I did promise to your mother, right? I'm going to protect you forever, whether you like it or not."

You smile and wipe your tears away, pulling Taehyung into a hug once more. "I'm so grateful to have you Taehyung, you don't even know..."

"....And I'm happy that you're here with me." He says. After moments of just staying in each other's arms, Taehyung breaks the comfortable silence embracing the two of you. "Alright, come on. We should get going. Where do you wanna eat lunch hm?"

"Wherever you want." You reply. "And it should be my treat. Because you've been doing everything for me since forever."

" don't have to really."

"No, I insist. Where do you want to eat?"

He chuckles and places his hands in his pocket, thinking about a good place to have lunch.

"Alright. I know where to go."

Both of you head out to that place, where you had an amazing lunch with him.


A/N: Oh, if you haven't checked the chapter before this, please do. :)))

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