Feeling Fine

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Around two weeks have passed, and you were trying your best to cope up with the loss. You weren't in your best state yet, but working in the coffee shop regularly is helping you as much as it can. Plus, Jungkook, Joy and Jisoo were there. And that was enough for you.

Joy and Jisoo doesn't know about what happened, and you don't really plan on telling them anything yet. It was hard enough for you to think about it, much less say it all out loud.

"You doing alright?" Jungkook asks, while you brew some coffee for a customer. You try to smile at him, falsely covering hopelessness with happiness.

"I'm fine!" You say, failing to fool Jungkook into believing your statement. He only furrows his eyebrows, feeling sorry for you.

You knew he was aware of the fact that you were lying, and the painful expression on his face did not help you either. You felt tears threatening to fall yet again, and Jungkook pulled you into a tight hug.

"Shhh....It's alright." He comforts, rubbing you back slowly. "You don't have to pretend you're alright. We can all be vulnerable at times. I'm here anyways. So you don't have to worry."

You return the hug, thanking him as you do. You really don't know what to do without Jungkook, he's been your emotional support for a long time already and you're very grateful.

He releases the hug, looking at you in the eyes. "You'll be alright. Okay?" He says, and you wipe your tears and chuckle.

"Okay....I'll try...."


"You sure you don't want me to stay over?" Jungkook questions you, and you politely shake your head.

"I'll be alright Kook. Thanks a lot." He nods his head as well, and he prepares to leave, taking a few steps backward.

But before he turns his back to you, you call him out again. "Kook!"

He turns around, only to be tackled in a bear hug from you. His cheeks flare up, and you stay there embracing him in your arms. "Thanks again for everything..."

The both of you smile, hearts warming with the contact the two of you were sharing. To make Jungkook's heart beat even faster, you kiss his cheek without taking your arms off his shoulders.

You quickly turn around and go straight to your door, greeting him a goodnight before closing it. And the two of you end the night with huge smiles on your faces.

Short, I know, I know. Sorry bout that :((((

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