I Smell a Little Jealousy...

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Taehyung walks to the counter, giving you a quick glance before taking out his wallet. Wait, where did he get that wallet?

He coughs so loud to get your attention before he gives Jungkook a glare which you found weird and very random.

You walk to where Jungkook was and stand behind him, glaring at Taehyung as well. You mouth to him, What are you doing??

He looks back at you while he says, "A cup of warm green tea please."

As Jungkook types in the orders, Taehyung checks if it's safe before mouthing back, I'm thirsty.

You roll your eyes at him, a bit annoyed that he had cut your conversation with Jungkook short.

"Alright Sir! Coming right up." Jungkook says, as he gets to work and prepares the orders.

You still glare at Taehyung as he says thank you and he glares back until he sits on a chair closer to the counter.

You and Taehyung had a literal glaring contest as Jungkook prepares, and finally, the tea was ready and Jungkook serves it to Taehyung.

Just when the cup touches the surface of the table, the doorbells ring indicating another customer coming in. Your blood runs cold as you see that the customer was none other than the grumpy old grandpa, wearing the same scowl on his face as he walks in the coffee shop.

What's different now, was that he stopped right in his tracks when he spots Taehyung earning a confused look on Taehyung's face.

The customer doesn't lose the scowl on his face, if not even looks angrier now, as he steps forward and you gulp as he approaches the counter.

"I'm not in the mood of anything sweet. Give me a black coffee." He tells, no, demands you as you nervously type the orders in. Seriously, this guy scares you a lot.

"Okay sir. One black coffee." You say as you walk to prepare his order.

The man walks back and faces Taehyung, who gives him a confused look. While you were facing your back on the two men, the regular customer walks and sits on the opposite chair from Taehyung's.

"I know what you are....angel." The customer, who surprisingly knows Taehyung says, as he leans back on the chair and folds his arms and his chest.

Taehyung was nervous, yes. But he didn't show it in front of the unknown man.

"And I know what you are..."

The man, for the first time, chuckles. This laugh wasn't a hearty, happy laugh however. It was more evil, full of viscousness and bad intention.

"What do you want demon?" Taehyung asks in a whispered tone, so that Jungkook or you wouldn't hear.

"Oh...nothing really. Just wanted to tell you that your human isn't safe."

Taehyung's face was drained from it's color, he knew he had to take the threat seriously or else he would have to face worse consequences.

"If you touch her-"

"Ah ah ah." The demon says mockingly, while moving his index finger from side to side.

"You know," The demon continues, "I don't just come here everyday for nothing. Everyday, I wait patiently until the right time to finally suck the sweet blood out of her. It's been a long time since I've smelled any blood of a pure-blood, but I guess a half-blood would do."

The demon smiles menacingly and leanes forward as he places both arms on the table. "Now that you're here though...it will be much more fun trying to get to her."

Taehyung's head was about to explode because of all the anger he was feeling, but before he could lose control and attack the man before him, you come up the table and serve the customer his coffee.

You were weirded out that Taehyung was talking to the guy. Actually, it was weirder to see the grumpy man smiling.
Even if it wasn't exactly happy looking, it was still weird to see another facial expression on his face.

"Sir, here's your black coffee." You say and hand him the cup. He doesn't even spare you a glance or thank you(which you were used to anyways) as you walk back to the counter, looking at Taehyung and giving him a look saying "are you okay?" He just nods and looks back at the demon.

The demon only sips his coffee, and silently sits across Taehyung. The two have a staring contest.

Just when Taehyung wasn't gonna back down, the demon laughs and rolls his eyes.

"I'll go now. Make sure to take care of your human angel."

With that, the demon walks to the door while carrying his coffee and walks out.

You on the other hand, was oblivious of the event that just happened, because you did not even dare to spare a glance at the creepy man.

You continue your work behind the counter, and soon enough Taehyung walks out of the coffee shop, only to come back invisible, and you smile at him as subtle as you could before he was back to reading the various magazines provided for the customers.

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