Dream or Reality

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You slowly opened your eyes, feeling the soft sheets under you. It was warm, and just as your vision became clearer, you realized how bright and white your surroundings were.

You rub your eyes, noticing that there were no furniture, no walls....everything was just...white.

Suddenly, you could hear soft breathing from behind you. You shift your position on the bed, now facing the other side...only to shock yourself even more.

It was Taehyung.

You couldn't believe it.

You felt tears threatening to fall, and for the first time, you felt something of what was beyond joy.

He was sleeping peacefully, his wings wrapped around you just like how he would when he was still alive.

Funny, he's supposed to be dead and yet you were seeing him right in front of you, up close. But was this all real?

Taehyung groaned, shifting positions and putting his arm over his eyes. He was beautiful, and you did not take your eyes off of him.


His deep voice startles you, and you felt your heart beat faster and faster. It was nice hearing his voice again.

His voice you didn't realize that you loved until now.

You were crying tears of joy, smiling as you greeted him back. "Hey."

He smiles, taking of his arm from his eyes, taking the chance to look at you. "I missed you, you know."

You cuddle him, wrapping you arms around his body and not letting go. Now that you had him in your arms, you weren't planning to ever let him leave.

He chuckles, facing you and placing his leg on yours. He made known to you that he reciprocated the same feelings, the two of you not wanting to let go.

"...Dummy, I missed you more." You answer between sobs, and he continues to play with your hair.

"...Your hair is so soft..." Taehyung compliments, and you grin then laugh.

At that moment, you realized how much you really did miss him.

"I'm sorry..." You apologize after a while, and Taehyung looks at you weirdly.

"Sorry..? For what?" He asks, and you look away from his eyes.

"It's my fault...It's—It's my...fault that you got hurt. I didn't want any of that to happen, and yet it did—"

"Shhhh..." He cuts you off, hugging you even tighter. "None of this is your fault. Don't blame yourself for anything. Don't be too hard on yourself."

You sob as you stayed in his arms. And after a while, you started calming down a bit. "Sorry, I'm such a cry baby."

He slightly grins, and then says, "Yes, you are a baby. My, baby. But it's okay to cry, I think crying makes a person stronger."

You wipe the tears off your face, and you smile at him gratefully. "Thank you."

"Thank you too. But I have to go now."

He kisses your forehead rendering you speechless as he sits up on the bed.

"W-wait...wait...where are you going?"

A long silence comes after. And he was already far away from you. Somehow, despite wanting to leave the bed and follow him, your body didn't allow you. So you sat there, only watching him get further and further away.

"Somewhere." He says, and his voice sounds as if he was still near you despite the distance.

"...I'll see you soon."

And a bright light comes from in front of him as you shield your eyes.

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