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The bells of the front door signaled all who was inside that someone else came in.

Jungkook, Joy and Jisoo all turned their heads to your direction, and all smiled seeing you and Taehyung.

"Hi guys!" Joy waves, and you greet her a goodmorning.

"Sorry we're late! But we have brownies for you." You inform them, and the two girls run towards your direction in excitement.

"We'll help you carry those." Jisoo says, taking a few containers from your hands. You laugh at how enthusiastic she took the brownies, thinking she only helped so she could get more.

Jungkook waves at you, and you hand him a container. "These are for you." You say.

"Thank you." He politely says. "Oh and," you continue, "All of these are baked by Taehyung."

The two girls had their jaws dropped, because they already took a bite of the brownies. "Really?" Jisoo shouts, mouth still full of the chocolate. "These are amazing!"

Everyone was happy with the treats given, and you put on your apron to start getting to work.

A few minutes after opening, Taehyung and Jungkook were working with the coffee machine. Since there were no people, Taehyung decided to attempt making a drink.

Suprisingly, seeing that Taehyung was having a hard time creating the drink, Jungkook only scratched his head before heading towards the other man's direction.

"No. Taehyung you're gonna break the machine." Jungkook informs him, fixing the handles.

Jungkook went on and assisted Taehyung, and seeing them get along was a nice feeling for you.

"It's nice seeing them get along." You whisper, but Jisoo heard you. "They don't get along often?" She questions, which causes you to turn your head to her direction.

"Ah...yeah. It's not like they fight...or anything. But they don't always get along."

"No! No, not like that." You hear Jungkook say, and you see that they were lowkey arguing.

"Hey, why does it taste so bitter?" Taehyung says after sipping a bit of the drink. "Let me." Jungkook says, taking the cup from his hands and sipping as well.

"I'm sure we did it correctly..."

You laugh at the two, walking to their direction. "Dummies, you guys can just put some sugar."

You took a sachet of sugar from below the counter, adding it to the drink and stirring it. "There." You smile, sipping the drink. You placed it down, nodding. "Mhmm. Not bad."

You walk back to Jisoo, and the two boys share the drink. "They're so handsome..." Jisoo says, pouting a bit at you.

You laugh, but you agree and nod your head. "I know right!"

"You're so lucky to have them you know?" Jisoo tells you, and your heart flutters a bit.

You stare at the two boys again, and you smile. "Yeah...yeah I guess I am."

The bells of the front door jingled, causing all five of you to turn your heads.

"I want to do it." You say, pertaining to serving the customer. You then went to work, and the day went smoothly.


"Guys! Tomorrow is a non-working holiday. Do you want to go out with me?" Joy states, while everyone was tidying up the place.

"Really? I didn't even know..." You say.

"Yeah! Let's go bar hopping or something." She continues, and you widen your eyes in shock.

"Bar hopping?" You question. To be honest, things like those aren't really your cup of tea, and you never actually did that before.

"Oh. My. God. You better come with us!" Jisoo shouts, talking to you. "You've never done that right?"

For your whole life, you never actually had any time to go to places like that. You kept fending off for yourself, working to get at least a little amount of money sufficient enough for you to get dinner.

You never even thought of going, you didn't think it was necessary. Besides, who would you go there with?

But now that you were being invited, your heart pumped against your chest due to the excitement and anticipation. It would be your first time, and you would be able to go with friends.

"Yeah..actually, I wanna go." You reply, Jisoo and Joy both breaking in smiles.

"Yes!" Jisoo shouts, raising two hands with closed fists. "Come to my house later, sleep there and then we'll prepare together."

After minutes of packing up, you, Taehyung and Jisoo headed to your house so that you could take whatever you needed for your sleepover.


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