Jealous again?

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I'M FINALLY BACK! (FROM THE DEAD) Finally, exams are over so I'll be able to update more often!!! Alright, hope you enjoy this chapter:))

Taehyung's POV


Taehyung was annoyed at the fact that he could go back to you right now, but he can't because of Father's orders.

He had to stay and be idle, literally doing nothing and dying because he's bored as heck.

And he can't deny the fact that he misses you.

He misses your hugs, your laugh and your smile.

He checks the time, and what he sees dissapoints him even more. "I've only been lying down for 15 minutes?!"

Yes, he was lying down on the comfiest bed in the world, with a bowl of fruits on the bedside, staring at the ceiling. It was paradise, but he couldn't seem to be contented.

It was late at night on earth, Taehyung noted. You might have been preparing for bed now, or even already tucked in bed.

He smiles at the thought of you in your pajamas, all warmed up and ready for bed.

But he shakes his head, he needs to get those thoughts out his head. He shouldn't be too carried away...

Taehyung suddenly shoots up to a sitting position, and he perks his ears to the sound of a familiar voice.

"Someone is dedicating a prayer to me?" Taehyung asks to no one in particular.

He has only ever experienced something like this a long time ago, and it happening again baffled him.

"Lord....uhm. Hi. If you can hear me, please tell Taehyung that I'm doing okay. But he should come here already. Uhh, also, please heal me as soon as possible, beacuse we have to do many things, and yeah..."

He hears your voice, and an unknown smile creeps up his face.

He focuses on only you, and he listens attentively to what you have to say.

"Uhh...Help me Lord, because I can't seem to figure out my feelings...Jungkook he..."

He could hear you chuckle, and from a smile, a confused look appears.

"I don't know what to do. Please guide me. Amen."

That was it. Just like that, you were gone.

But what do you mean when you said you couldn't figure out your feelings? That couldn't mean you had feelings for him could it?

Unknown to Taehyung, his blood started to boil in jealousy, thinking of the possibility that in such a short span of time, Jungkook was able to steal you from him.

Steal? Did he just think that Jungkook stole you from him?

Taehyung groans and holds his head in his hands out of frustration. He really is going nuts.

He has to get his head out of the clouds.(Get it? HHahahHAHAH just kidding im sorry)

Taehyung cannot do anything about it, he has to wait as patiently as his mind could allow him. So, he throws himself unto the bed again.


You slowly push the door open and mentally ready yourself in case of a surprise attack. Luckily, you and Jungkook are both equipped with swiss knifes.

You point the knife in front of you and look left and right. Nothing. You carefully trudge deeper into the dark room, with Jungkook closely following behind you.

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