Taehyung likes Gucci

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The next day, you woke up to the sound of your alarm as you sat up in a rush. The action gives you a momentary headache, and you clutch your head with both hands as you mentally scold yourself for not thinking first.

You had work again today, and kind of overslept. Good thing you had set your alarm last night. Huh, you overslept. Guess the shopping exhausted you.

After doing the normal routine, you walk to the kitchen to again find Taehyung sipping a cup of coffee.

"Morning Tae."

"Morning." He replies back. He had a husky voice which, to be honest, caught you off guard by how attractive he sounds. Don't think like that stupid.

These past few days were confusing to you. Everytime Taehyung would do something sweet, your heart would beat really fast and you thought of weird things.

Putting those thoughts aside, you wonder if Taehyung would accompany you again to work.

"Taehyung? Are you gonna come with me again to work today?"

Taehyung seemed as if he was hesitant to answer, opening and closing his mouth before he shifts his position on top of the table before fully facing his body to you.

You raise an eyebrow, it was a simple question, wasn't it?

"Y/N, I need to go back to Heaven...but it's only for a while..."

You were shocked at the news, what reason could he have for having to go back to Heaven? You tried your best to put on a smile and reassure him that everything would be alright, but you couldn't help but wonder why this was so sudden.

"Ahh...it wouldn't be too long would it?"

He gives you a small smile before he stands up and walks closer to you.

"I'll make sure it wouldn't be too long."

"But why do you have to go back?"

"...I have to tell Father about my whereabouts, and other stuff..."

You were a bit frustrated that you felt that he was keeping a lot of things from you, but you chose to ignore the questions occupying your head. You chose to trust him.

"Okay, when are you leaving then?"

"Ah, I'll walk you to the shop before leaving."

"Okay. Let's get ready then?"

He nods and both of you eat breakfast before leaving.


You and Tae were walking to the shop. You were close enough, when you thought of about him leaving.

You really hope he would come back soon. To be truthful, you didn't want him to leave you because you would really miss him, but you try your best to understand whatever reason he has to go back.

"We're here Taehyung." You say as you both approach the front door of the shop. You could already see Jungkook cleaning inside. He was early as always.

Taehyung walks in front and faces you. "Y/N, before I leave, I need you to promise me that you'll be with someone this whole time I'm away. Just for...your safety. Please?"

That confused you, what could possibly be a danger to you that you have to have someone with you the whole time?

"But I'm fine on my own Tae. I'm okay."

Taehyung sighs and ruffles his hair before putting two hands on your shoulders. Doing this, you knew what he was saying next will be serious. So you chose to look at him in the eye and listen.

"Please, just make sure someone will be there with you, don't walk home in the dark. Always be on guard and make sure you have something on you that can defend you okay?"

You laugh slightly, you honestly found Taehyung being worried cute, it shows that he really cared for you. But what possibly could go wrong when he's away?

"Okay, but you don't have to worry too much." You say. It's obvoius that he relaxed a bit, and his hands slid down to your arms before he sighs.

"If you need me, you have to call my name as loud as you can okay?"

"You'll be able to hear it?" You ask. Wouldn't he be too far away?

"Well, there's this sort of thing that angels have, when their human is in dire need of their help, all the human has to do is to shout their angel's name three times, and we'll sense it."

"Huh, sort of like spiderman?"

He chuckles and nods his head. "Yeah, spiderman."

You smile at him and his hands weren't holding your arms anymore. Instead, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his new pants.

"I'll actually miss you. Please be back as soon as possible, m'kay?" You say.

"Yeah, I'll be back as soon as you can say "Taehyung loves Gucci."

You laugh at his playfulness and you see him give you his boxy smile. "Okay, I'm going in. See yah."

"See you."

With that, you watch as he walks further away from you, and he hid himself behind a wall before he was taken by a bright beacon that appeared out of nowhere.

It was a magnificent sight that only you could see.

At least, you thought it was only you.

You walked inside the shop and greeted Jungkook a goodmorning.

"Morning Jungkook!"

"Morning Y/N."

You placed your bag behind the counter and wore your apron as usual. Following the same schedule, Joy and Jisoo come in almost the same time, and customers came in and out the shop.

You were actually having a great day, nothing went wrong and to your surprise, the grumpy old man didn't come as expected.

Everything went smoothly.

When a moment came that there were no customers, you took of your cap and fixed your hair, while Jungkook was beside you, doing nothing in particular.

"Hey, Y/N." Jungkook called. You faced him as you finished fixing your cap and put it back on your head.

"Yeah?" You reply.

"I know I'm not in the place to ask you this, but I was just wondering...who was the guy you were talking to before you came in the shop this morning?"

You face him and thought as fast as you could to give him a believable answer.

"Ah, he's just a friend." Brief, a straight answer and not questionable. Good going Y/N.

He nods and looks away from you, before placing both hands on the counter and slightly putting his weight on it before rocking back and forth.

Was it true...that Jungkook seems, nervous? Why would he be though?

"I-" Jungkook was cut off to the sound of the bells attached to the front door, indicating that a customer came in. But his face became pale, and you looked at him with confusion as to why he seemed so terrified.

You turned around to see who came in, and now you understand why he looked so frightened.

Along with Jungkook, your face paled at what you were seeing.

It was the grumpy old man with a huge smirk on his face, but he wasn't alone.

Just when you thought your day was going so well.

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