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"Wha???" Seriously, you haven't even properly formed a sentence since you met him.

Right now, you were walking home, hand in hand with the newly found angel, who is actually kinda touchy but he's sweet so far.

You've learned a few things about him, he told you that "Every human has their guardian angel, it's just our choice when to reveal ourselves to them when absolutely necessary."

Earlier, he told you angels can hide themselves, make themselves invisible to other humans. You learned that the embarrasing way. It went something like this:

You were still in the alley where he chose to reveal himself to you, and you asked him, "Wait so no one can see you right now?"

"No." He says while shaking his head. "It's just you who can see me."

"Huh, prove it." You say, wanting to see if what he was telling you was true.

"You know I'll tell you the truth all the time because I am an angel...but okay."

He steps out of the alley, and faces the
people walking towards him. He starts jumping up and down while crazily waving his hands while shouting, "Humans! Do you see me? I AM AN ANGEL AND I AM FROM HEAVEN SENT BY GOD!"

He grinned like a maniac before proceeding,

"Y/N NEARLY PEED HER PANTS A WHILE AGO!" He shouts which causes you to glare at him while he smiles cheekily, still waving his hands.

"See, no one's listening to me Y/N." He says. What catches your attention though was that a man walks to him, not even taking his attention away from his phone as he walks straight past, or more like right through Taehyung as if he was a ghost.

"HOLY SHI-" You shout, while you cover your mouth with one hand as you nearly faint out of shock. Thankfully, no one payed any attention to you.

Taehyung proudly skips back to you and says, "See? Told you."

Your eyes were wide, and you ask, "So, to other people, I'm technically talking to a wall right now?"

"Mhm." He nods. "Look."

You slowly look to your right where he was pointing, and see a couple walking past you giving you weird glances, because to them, you were indeed....talking to a wall.

"Okaaaayyy..." You say.

When you look back at Taehyung, as if things wouldn't get weirder from here, his wings shrunk, until you couldn't see them and his halo slowly disappeared. His white clothes transformed into more casual clothes, now wearing a black and white checkered coat along with a black shirt underneath, paired with black pants and boots.

You must say, he had a good sense of fashion.

"I can be invisible, but I can choose to appear as a human so we wouldn't have any problem." He ends with a smile, and at the same time, he holds your hand and walks out of the alley.

"Wait, where are we going?" You question his actions as he smiles back at you.

"Dummy, we're going to your house."

....And that's how your walking back to your home, hand in hand with the stranger, that isn't exactly a stranger.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice you walked straight past your house if it were not for Taehyung pulling you back and informing you that you've both arrived at your destination.

You thank him and go through your bag, looking for your house keys, to no avail. While searching, and constantly shaking your head in annoyance because you couldn't find it, Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully and walks to your window, where some potted plants are.

Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now