A Tragic Fate

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You slowly open your eyes to the sound of a deep voice.

"Wake up." He continues, slightly shaking your shoulder. "It's almost 2:40 am we have to go."

You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is Taehyung's face. Wow. It's nice to be Y/N.

"Heyy~" He sings, smiling at you. You then realize, your head was on his lap. You must have dozed off.

You slowly sat up, but even with the efforts of taking it slow, your head throbbed and you winced in pain.

"Okay, careful." He advised, helping you sit up. "I told the others we would go home. Anyways, both of us aren't doing anything anymore."

"Oh...they're not leaving yet?"

Looking at Joy and Jisoo, they were both in bad conditions, making you feel like they would follow after. "And...Jungkook?" You ask, trying to look for him.

"He said he'll stay with the two girls...just in case."

You nod slowly, feeling the throbbing pain of your head. "Yeah..." You groan. "Let's go."


"I don't think I'll ever do that again..."

You slowly walk in the dark road alongside Taehyung, trying not to wobble or fall on the pavement floor.

It was pretty dark...but thankfully your house was a few blocks away.

Taehyung laughs at your statement, looking at you with concern. "It's not our thing. Is it?"

"Nope." You agree, laughing with him. "Thanks...by the way."

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows, looking at you again but with confusion. "For what?"

"Well...I don't know. I just felt like you took care of me the whole night."

Taehyung's heart felt warm and fuzzy hearing what you just said. He felt proud, that he was able to make you feel that he cared for you.

"Well...it's my job, isn't it?"

You giggle, remembering that he was your angel. It was his job, probably he would always have this sense of responsibility to take care of you all the time.

"And not just for tonight actually. You've taken care of me for like...my whole life. Literally. So, thank you."

Taehyung gives you his boxy smile, tackling you in a side hug as he ruffles your hair. "No problem. Anything for my baby."

You laugh in shock at the nickname, looking at him. "Huh? Baby? What's with the nickname?"

He raises his eyebrow, looking up to the sky as he keeps his arm around your shoulder. "Yeah...you're my baby."

You felt your cheeks becoming hotter, making you look down and avoid his eyes. "By the way." He continues. "You don't have a nickname for me yet."

You look at him in surprise, you never actually thought about it. "Well...what would you want me to call you?"

"I want you to make a nickname for me."

"Uhmm....how about...? Tae? Tae Tae?"

Taehyung thinks about it...it's simple but cute. "Yeah. Call me Tae Tae. It's cute. Like you."

"Me? I'm cute?" You question, looking at him as if he was out of his mind.

"Of course you are. You haven't been told that have you?"

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