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A/N: fInaLly. im back from the dead!

         Long chapter ahead


Have you mentioned that whenever the grumpy old man came in the shop, there was this sort of aura that made you shiver, making you want to curl into a ball and hide behind a wall.

This feeling just doubled, tripled even, because the old man was accompanied by 3 other men as grumpy and creepy as he was.

A tall man came in behind the grumpy man, wearing a black trench coat along with black boots. He was wearing a black vintage flat top hat, and two words could describe this man, classy and dark.

The other man beside him was actually quite the opposite, as much as the other guy was classy, this guy was more hip hop. He looked like a gangster, with tatoos embedded on his arms and hands. Baggy pants, dark shirt with lots of grotesque images. Wearing a gold chain around his neck, you could say he came from some sort of rapping battle underground.

The third man at the back was actually quite handsome, and obviously younger than the other 3. He had fair skin, and he rocked a biker jacket along with ripped jeans and combat boots.

All 4 of them were so different, and yet they all emmited the same aura, sending shivers down your spine. All of them let you feel one emotion. Fear.

The grumpy man decided to bring his squad.

And you hated him even more for it.

The 3 unfamiliar men sat down on the table right in front of the counter. Out of all the tables, why there?

You gave Jungkook a look, and you could see that he was also slightly terrified, at least he was better at hiding it.

Same goes for the two girls, Jisoo was looking at you with wide eyes, and Joy was wiping her shaking hands on the towel behind you.

Since Jungkook was the only man between the four of you, he felt the responsibility to take care of the unnerving customers. So he took your place as the cashier personnel and faced the grumpy old man.

You back away slightly, thank God Jungkook was present today.

"Yes sir may I take your order?"

As if the man didn't come here almost everyday and didn't know what food and drinks consists in the menu, he looks up to check board with the chalk-written selections.

"Hmm...I don't know." You didn't want to stare, but you were so frozen in your place that when the man looked at you in the eye, you nearly jumped out of your skin and your soul could have ran away right then and there.

He smirks that sick expression on his face and slowly looks back to where his other buddies were, his hand still on his chin while being supported by his other arm crossed over his chest.

You were never as terrified as you right now than ever in your entire time of existence. All three of the men were either staring, checking you out, or glaring at you.

Jungkook must have sensed your fright, and he looks at the man in front of him as he says, "Would you like me to recommend you something sirs?"

The man laughs and shakes his head. "Nevermind. Just plain black coffee for all of us."

Jungkook typed in the orders and soon the reciept printed out.

To avoid the glares of the unknown men, you get to work and pour the brewed coffee onto the mugs.

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