Calm down

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The next day, you wake up to the sunlight seeping through the curtains.

After stretching and rubbing your eyes from sleepiness, you sit up and smile.

"Ahhh goodmorning!" You say to no one in particular. You felt happiness seeping through your whole body, enthusiastically walking to the washroom and ready to start your day.

Somewhere in the kitchen, Taehyung was slightly panicking because he noticed you have finally woken up. Today, he was preparing something special for you.

Here's the thing. After much reflection and prayer last night, he came up with an idea. He knew about Jungkook and you, he knew if he wasn't going to do anything he'd lose.

He would have to step up his game. Fortunately for him, he had the advantage of knowing you personally, he knew you better than that Jungkook guy.

So, he hurriedly prepared your favorite breakfast.

After taking a long, nice, warm bath you put on a plain t-shirt paired with some jogging pants for a sporty but comfy look.

Still yawning, you walk towards the kitchen when a familiar scent hits you.

With widened eyes, you rush and walk briskly until you come upon the sight of Tahyung. He looked so fresh, wearing a plain white t-shirt while placing a plate of eggs and sausages. You may or may have not blushed while watching him do his thing.

Imagine having to see this sight everyday, a handsome man preparing breakfast for you.

PfffffFt. You think. I'm never gonna get a guy like that. The universe isn't kind enough to spare me that kind of guy.

"Morning." He says, his voice as deep as the ocean.

You gulp for some reason, sqeaking a little "Goodmorning" back to him.

"What's all this for?" You say, glancing at the food placed on the table, then back to him.

"Ahh..nothing really. I just wanted to do it."

"...Oh. Thank you."

"C'mon let's eat now."

Taehyung sits on his chair, and you notice how proud he looks about the breakfast he made on his own.

Fortunately enough, Taehyung knew how to cook well. You tasted the food and your eyes widened. "Wow...where did you learn to cook like this?"

Hiding his triumphant smile of victory, he looks up to you and gives you his famous square smile. "Are you impressed?"

"I actually have a good friend who knows how to cook, he was the one who taught me."

"Mmm." You reply, too focused on chewing your delicious breakfast.

"And where would you want to go today?" Taehyung adds, making you stop and think for a while.

"I don't know..." You say. "How about a walk in the park?" You suggest.


You and Taehyung slowly walk under the shade of the trees. You look up at the leaves slowly dancing in the breeze.

After taking in a deep breath, you look around and see a few families here and there.

"Mommy!!" A child calls, taking you and Taehyung's attention. The little girl seemed to be lost, holding her stuffed toy tight in her arms.

She was in tears, looking around but staying stiff in her position. You couldn't help but feel empathy, you knew how she felt.

You and Taehyung slowly walk towards the little girl with the intention of helping her. "Hey, " You quietly say to her.

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