It's been a Long Time

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Jungkook helped you get home as usual, but this time riding his motor bike has become normal for you.

"Come inside Kook." You invite him, and he gladly takes the offer. You walk up to the door, taking your keys and opening it. Jungkook followed right behind you, walking into the familiar house.

Everything was normal, the couch on the left and the kitchen right in front of you, and you didn't notice anything off.

That's until Jungkook pulled your wrist back causing you to lose your balance, but being caught instantly as he positions himself in front of you.

You gasp at how fast everything happened, and it took you a few moments to register what Jungkook could posibly be protecting you from.

A man was standing in front of the two of you, the sunlight against his back making it impossible to see his face.

"Who are you?!" Jungkook shouts intimidatingly, causing you (and the unknown man) to flinch.

"Woah, woah chill!" The man says.

....You recognized this was deep and husky, unmistakably...

"...Taehyung?" You wondered, and Jungkook whips his head to stare at you with furrowed eyebrows.

You couldn't believe yourself either. But as he walks closer to you, the smile radiating from his face was enough to make you cry.

"Hey." He says, and you hug him as tight as you could.

It was silent, only your sobs could be heard as he hugged you back.

But you were happy. You were baffled at how this happened, but you weren't going to question anything. You didn't even mind pinching yourself. If this was a dream, you weren't planning on escaping it.

"Dummy!" You say, pulling away from the hug and slapping his arm once. "Why'd you do that?" You say, wiping away your tears.

"Do what?" He chuckles, still holding you close to him.

"Leave me for more than a month and then suddenly surprise me by coming back without a warning?"

"...So, you don't want me back?"

He recieved another slap on the arm, and you reply, "No! That's not what I meant! I—I, I....just....I miss you."

And as you took time to look at him properly, you were shocked to see that his golden hair was now black, he no longer had his wings, and he seemed so....human?

He was wearing a white t-shirt and gray joggers, looking like he just woke up from a long nap.

"Wait—" You stutter. "What happened to you?"

"Yeah....about that. You guys wanna take a seat first?"


"After I lost my ability to flight, I was somehow sent back to heaven. Which was honestly better than anything else. And I had to bargain with God. Eyyyyyyy we can skip that part. Literally took days to talk to him."

Taehyung was explaning to the both of you what had happened, but you were forgeting one important thing.

It was that Jungkook didn't know about Taehyung being an angel, or anything about heaven being a real thing.

He did have his guesses and theories after meeting the demons in the flesh, but he would have expected that you would tell him as soon as you knew something about it.

And taking it from how you were so calm while listening to Taehyung speak, you have known all of this for a long time.

He thought you trusted him, and you not telling him these things made his chest unwillingly hurt. He was sure you had your reasons. But he couldn't help feeling betrayed in just the slightest bit.

"...So he offered me this. I can stay here on earth without my wings, continue to live my life as a normal human being. Or just go back to my regular self and be assigned to a different human."

You nod your head at the information he was giving you, and he chuckles. "Of course, why would I want to be assigned to a different person?"

You slowly look up and meet his eyes, and you smile at him. That was awfully sweet of him. "So I'm human now."

The three of you celebrated throughout the night, drinking a bit (ironically enough because only Jungkook likes drinking. )

It was past midnight when Jungkook decided to leave.  He leans against the wall, crossing his arms with an unreadable expression. "Jungkook?" You ask, concerned of how he seemed so....frustrated.

He did not answer, and only looked at you and raised an eyebrow. You were startled at the sudden mean behavior, wondering what you could have done wrong. He probably saw how confused and innocent you were, so he chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.

"Sorry...." He says, trying his best to calm down. "It's just...." You furrow your eyebrows and look at him in the eyes, and he says, "Were you planning to tell me?"

"Tell you...." You trail off, realizing what you've done wrong. "Oh my God....Jungkook, I'm so so sorry. I didn't realize—"

"No. It's fine. I got shocked and all....but it's fine." Jungkook takes his weight off the wall, walking past you and out of the house as you followed along. You drown in your guilt, looking down at the ground.

He looks back at you. And seeing your state, he calls out your name and gives you a small smile. "Hey, don't worry about it. Anyways, I know all about it now. Next time, don't forget to tell me about these things alright?"

He walks up to you again, ruffling ypur hair. He gets startled when you surprise him with a big hug, taking him a few seconds to return it. You felt guilty that you didn't tell him despite him being the one to always be there for you, even though you had your reasons.

"....Sorry...." You mumble, and he strokes your hair.

"It's fine silly."

After making up, he heads back home and you enter the house. You see Taehyung waiting on the couch, munching on some chips as he focused his attention to the movie playing.

You shake your head to how funny he looked, it was as if he didn't come from dying a few weeks ago. Everything was still blury and confusing to you, however it didn't really matter anymore. All you could think of right now was that he was back, and you couldn't ever be more grateful.

You sat beside the dork, leaning your head on his shoulder. "You dummy, where did you even get those chips?" He looks at you and winks, making you laugh and face your head back at the television.

"I miss you..." You tell him, cuddling and wrapping your arms around him.

"I miss you too..."



EY thanks for reading this, thanks for  sticking with the plot. I'm sorry for making you wait for so long with the updates :(((

I love all of you who supported me with this one, even if you didn't reach until the last chapter ❤

Stay healthy and happy, byeeee

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